
Raquel Z. Duarte

Ask @Itsjustraquel

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Are you a leader or a follower?

I tend to be more of a follower. And I encourage others to follow too. But if the situation calls for it, and no one else is stepping up to the plate, I can be a leader. And a damn good one too.

what kind of yoga do you do? or what program??

I honestly don't know all the terminology for different types of yoga... I just do it to help relax and meditate and keep my body flexible and toned. I usually just search "yoga tutorials/classes" on YouTube and click whichever one looks interesting haha

have you ever been 'friend-zoned'?

I have a very unique view on the "friend zone" (see here: http://www.itsjustraquel.com/2014/03/the-girlfriend-zone.html) but if you're asking if a guy has ever flirted with me, led me on, then stopped talking to me as if there hadn't been "something" there and acts like I'm "just a friend", then yes, absolutely. I can think of two guys in particular who just recently did this - and hey, J & D, if either of you are reading this, well, congrats!:)

What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now?

Financial crap... I hate money, but you literally can't live without it.


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