
Jacob Roloff

Ask @JacobRoloff

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I eill pray until the day God gives you the strength to say no to drugs and say yes to Him. God bless.

Do drugs like equal satan, to you? Lol seriously wtf

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God Jacob you're retarded. If you become dependent on weed you'll have anxiety when you stop, you'll start shaking etc. If you use it for insomnia, what's gonna happen when you stop? Oh yeah, your insomnia will rebound twice as bad. At least acknowledge the negative effects.

Lol YOU people are the ones saying I'm dependent on it. Stfu lol
Liked by: joseph coronado

Just because it hasn't killed any one doesn't mean it doesn't make you dumb as shit.

Lol it doesn't make you dumb that's ugh such a stupid argument go away

is a side effect of smoking weed never shutting the fuck up about the fact that you smoke weed?

I don't bring it up lol

Why don't you make your twitter private dude? Instead of having blogs and shit about you. Crazy.

It's a m u s i n g

You better start getting good grades if you want to go to college.

It's not a definite thing ill go but yea I know

By definition, you are a brat (spoiled and impolite or unruly). Agreed?

By definition, you are annoying (causing irritation or annoyance). Agreed?
Liked by: Kyle Darby

Jacob, you seem to attract a lot of losers on this site. I'm glad to see you handle them maturely.


"which I read and replied with a picture from a different article that proved the point I was trying to prove. No fatal long term effects" No, you changed the subject/question from "harmful effects" to "death".

Omfg lol no, but you guys criticize on the most minute things lol it's hilarious

this is now my favorite spot on the net....Jacob, you crack me the hell up! sucks you have such freaks on ya all the time...


I think people can form an educated opinion on what type of person you are if they are basing it on 10 or so years of episodes, 1900 answers on ask and 10,000 tweets. They observe how you interact and conduct yourself = informed opinion.

Lol okay I don't care enough about that topic.. Whether people know me or not..

"while you're analyzing and blowing out of proportion all the negative things about my family without knowing us" - Ah ha! But when someone sucks up to you, you respond with "They watched me grow up". You can't have it both ways.

They watched me physically grow up so they feel like they know me

I love how you ask for facts or proof about something. Then when someone explains in detail with back up, you say don't want to read 299 or less characters. You have the debating skills of a 12 year old.

That's a neat fiction story bro. He posted an article which I read and replied with a picture from a different article that proved the point I was trying to prove. No fatal long term effects

You have been owned. You said the worst effect of marijuana is "memory loss". It's not. You then asked for sources. You got it and now you are changing the subject.

I said that's the worst one off the top of my head lolol.. What is a worse long term effect rather than memory loss?


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