
Jacob Mummy's Baby Boy Wilkins

Ask @jacobwilkinsonmummysbabyboy22

cheerio ✨ With whom do you most often discuss your emotions when you are sad?

Yeah but sometimes it's hard to explain to them

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Do you follow meme trends? 😀

Respect the card, Uno reverse card, stinks, big Chungus, Thanos Kim Kardashian-like ass,

🙄 How do you envision the perfect romantic date?

Um are you a girl?
Because how I envisioned my romantic date is kinda interested
I envisioned it as if someone a girl maybe like you would do anything for me takes care of me and gives me what I want

Have a question for you! What is the most bizzare gossip that people have ever heard about you?

Ooh that's tough question


Language: English