I think of people who are free and should be free to express their beliefs and allowed to be able to believe in what they want to believe in. People who practice magic. However, I believe we all have magic within us. I don’t see them as harmful unless they’re trying to bring bad upon me, my friends or family then we got problems. I’ve been warned once or twice about spells coming my way. I’m rambling. I don’t have anything against them and I’m not scared of them
Pre Christian ideology
A flying horse
Well society would have you think that they're devil worshiper type people but they are not they believe in the Earth Mother Earth you know simple as that they lived clean and everything didn't surround about a God who doesn't help no one
The root of most religions
Ritualistic nonsense, drum-banging, moonlit sexual frivolity & dirty hippies, mostly.
Still better than Xtians trying to ram Jesus down my throat, though.
My brothers
The word griffendor Idk why