
Jason Aquino

Ask @jason_basedd4

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Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?

Well I consider them friends but because I kept moving so much and I didn't have a phone back then so it's hard to stay in contact with then

What school did you go to for kindergarten?

Well I lived with my grandparents, my dad, and my mom in the span of two years when I was in K because my parents had me at a young age and were never married. I guess the first school I went to with my grandparents was Lincoln elementary in Newark.

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How do successful people differ from unsuccessful ones?

The most successful people can be the poorest person ever just as long as they have love, friendship, brains, and weirdness aha

What does freedom mean to you?

To be able to do whatever I want, out don't mean I'm gonna do it though aha #hardcore

Language: English