

Ask @jaylynn2323

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Do you think finances should be kept separate in a marriage?

A portion. Should have a joint account for house bills. But everyone needs their own $

When you are honest with a woman you are giving her the option if she’s going to take it or leave it. I don’t know why you men are scared to tell a woman the truth. It’s more forgivable than a lie.

THIS!!!! 100%!!!!!

I think Marie needs to know about you messing with Sky.

The anonymity on this app is REAL 🤣🤣 yall love to hide behind keyboards lol if I got something to say ... imma say it with my chest and DIRECT !! What's the joy in saying shit in secret?? MESYY MUCH? lol
I'm too old for this damn app lol imma just log off 🤣

Wouldn’t it be great if we all took polygraph test before we start a relationship?

Yes. But unfortunately that would mean lots of relationships would never start 😂

so I have recently learned that my ex boyfriend ,ex-husband, my son ,three nephews , nephews girlfriend, and my sister are using ask fm .

Big whoop? .. 🤔

Aspiring mechanic here. What should I charge a client to give a rim-job in a Chevy Malibu?

Said no mechanic ever 🤣 something tells me you're not being truthful about your chosen line of work 🤭

Should I start talking to him again? Me n this guy use to be good friends n care for each other but then he started to lie n gaslight me n I started gaslighting him back. It been bout 3/4 year since last spoken- so should I text him back

If you know there was just gaslighting .. why go back, unless you want that unhealthy connection?

Is it rude for someone to keep commenting “nice” after you say something?

Lol I'm guilty of doing this! Idky .. it just flows lol

Do you trust easily?

With as many trust isuues i have from past relationships im really trying to lead a different way of thinking.. it used to be "trust needs to be earned" now I'm trying to go with "trust them until they prove they can't be trusted" .. it makes me feel so much better emotionally
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Language: English