

Ask @jdnsnssnsnajaj_

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Has anyone ever laid down to go to sleep for 2 hours, did not go fast asleep, you are able to notice things/hear things and you think about the noises but it doesn’t bother you then after 1-2 hours you are awake and not sleepy anymore?

Woah , this is me

If someone sent you videos (that you found disturbing) as a joke, would you block them or would you tell them to stop sending those vids instead?

I would tell them

You remember not too long ago you said that shouldn’t be making any more dating Profiles because you’re not doing it and have it done it and that I should stop Tu and I did until tonight I can’t wait for you to see all my new ones I’m in process of making now and I know you have new ones to


See not stupd as he think he should look at his surroundings not me.dumb ass i just got to get cash to eat gas an shit u got nice apt in shelter cove been watching u since last year dude didnt tell u long dreads he saw me few times even tried to rent boat but it was outncounty so


FAVORITE NFL TEAM⁉️⁉️❤️❤️❤️ mine is the #STEELERS ✨

I don’t really watch football


Language: English