
Jennifer Gault

Ask @jenjenlovesyoubitches

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Describe a perfect date with that perfect someone.

My idea of a perfect date is.. going to the beachh on a hot day, setting up a blanket to lay/sit on. have a couply pillows for later on. go swimming with that person and while your swimming they grab you and hold you close to them.. they kiss you. you go back up to the blanket and have a cute picnic and have a couple drinks, when its getting dark and the stars are coming out you lay on the blanket and watch the stars in his arms :)
Then it pours down and everything gets ruined ._. he never talks to you again and you live a lonely life

The black and white photo of you, that you just put up...... well, you look anarexix? and you we soooo trying to show of as much tits as you can, btw, you have major bags under your eyes:/ <3

anorexic* and this one? i dont look anorexic yes trying to show of my tits in a jean dress, coz that works yeh,and um kinda dont needa try show them off... they kinda stand out. hahahaha and bags under my eyes? didnt know my eyes went shopping.. ._. its called being tired cunt. <3

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Why is ur uniform so disgusting its always dirty do you,only have 1 top ? Do you ever wash it ?

my skirt have glue shit on it that won't come off. I have 3 tops and a long sleeve one actually hah. and there dirty because at interval and lunch I lay on the field because sitting it to mainstream. and do I wash them? what kind of fucking question it that? everybody washes there uniform or there yuck cunts.

your a bitch! Keziah did nothing wrong. if you have a problem with her, put on your big girl pants and sort it out face to face.

Obvioulsy you know shit, keziah did do stuff and she knows it..
I tried to sort it out face to face but she said shes got nothing to say and walked off. maybe she needs to put her 'big girl pants' on and grow up a tad eh ?

H/O on Antton? ;)

aw hes just amazing, gives the best cuddles ever, cute kisses, real caring. Always there for me, cracks me up all the time. When im angry or upset he tells me im beautiful and gives me lots of cuddles and kisses. Says the cutest and randomest stuff at random times :)
I like him a lot :) i can see us being together for a long time because he makes me happy <3 xx

Do you miss him?

ofc i fucking miss him. this is the stupidest question ive ever got. Try losing someone who was an idol to you, someone who loved you no matter what, someone you loved with all your heart then ask yourself if you miss them. Dumb cunt


Language: English