
Jennifer Gault

Ask @jenjenlovesyoubitches

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is it eden m you hate? shes reef

Yeeer, and shes not 'reef' i just dont like her for some reasons.. shes actually quite pretty

26 27 28 29 30

26: something your addicted to: Crunchie bars and vanilla coke
27: Cutest thing someone has ever done for you: the most recent when Maddy ran up to my bus and was like i made something for you and gave me a cute letter that said 'You're my best friend. I love you. Your Perfect. kei te aroha ke au koe Love boo " was so cute <3
28: Most traumatic experiances: idc?
29: Special talents: being flexible :) Jay Jay knows :)
30:Question your always asked: are you pregnant. and no im not. :)
Liked by: Holly travers

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

18: Last awkward situation you were in: umm i cant remember ahah
19: A quote you live by?:Don't be sad, things will only get better. There may be a storm, but it can't rain forever <3
20: Something you wish you were better at: friendships..
21: Ever had a heart break: mhm guess so
22: lyrics to favourite song: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/piercetheveil/amatchintowater.html
23: Something you would change about yourself: My eyes, and my hair
24: Something your obsessed with: crunchie bars and vanilla coke omg.
25: 3 things that make you smile: My boyfriend/cullam, My bestfriend/Maddy And Jay-Jay/jayden <3

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11. some one you biggest pet peeves: wtf are peeves?
12. How you met the person you fell the hardest for: School when he was with his mates and he was talking to them and told them to go one way so i said i would and we walked and talked for a bit before i left :)
13. How tall are you: 156 cm :)
14: what is your dream job: nurse :) dunno why .-.
15: Jenn, jenn-jenn, bubbaah, bub
16: Any bad habits: swearing
17. Turn ons: Eyes, smile, personality :)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Something you regret: the thing that happened on sat..
4. A fact about the last person you kissed: Hes fucking cute asf
5. my sisters pasta :)
6. what your last recieved text message says: Urs are legit .. from jay jay :)
7. Someone you hate: starting with 'E' ;)
8. Your biggest fear: insects
9. If you had one wish what would you wish for: Everything to go back to normal...
10. Opinion on love at first sight: Its magical :)


Tell me about your ex ?
Umm Heaton. He's real cool to talk to, where still mates, real funny, kb, mean to hang with :)


Language: English