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Ask @jonathanthl

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kak kenapa ya org eropa kadang rasis. aku ketemu org eropa 2x di internet dan dia blg org asia itu jelek dan dia banggain diri sendiri. maksudnya apa? sejelek itu ya org asia? ampe dikatain gitu haha.

PLEASE READ FULL IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF In my time being a world citizen I have learned which countries are actually the most racist. The European countries are actually the least racist since it's like totally forbidden and an absolute nogo. But Asian countries are totally racist (sorry if I hit you with this) for example in Indonesia as well. People that are white are told to be prettier and the darker once are being labled as ugly and (I'm only saying what I heard In my time in Indonesia) dangerous and like you shouldn't talk with them. Another thing is that in Indonesia people (still) fight about religions. Jews are still abandoned and Hitlers book "mein kampf" is still being sold, in pretty much the rest of the world this book is a forbidden book. The 'racism' doesn't stand for finding the people from a certain country attractive, that is taste, not racism. Racism is discremination and persecution. Think about what you say and how you lable people, I'm not trying to defend Europeans, there has been a long period of racism in Europe and I really don't denie. But weell yeah think please... if you have questions about this because you don't understand what I wrote in my rage... well...

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would you mind to mention people who made your 2014? thank you!

It was a whole lot of people.. When I read this question just before I had flash backs of moments that I didn't and moments that I really liked with the people... In paris it were the exchange students that I met from aaaaall over the world... They were so much fun and I really miss them (I pretty sure they miss me too :D )... In cologne it were mainly my old friends who proved real friendship to me and were by my side when I needed them (there were quite a few moments) and the once that weren't there, so the once that proved 'not real friendship (?)'. It's been one hell of a year! in Indonesia the people that made my year were just the awesome once that I met new or that I knew before... people that gave me new inspiration... people that gave me new strength... people that were with or people that just weren't.... It was like that everywhere and actually........ YOU REALLY MADE MY YEAR too ♥ It was an awesome year and I think I'm falling into melancholy now... oops ♥

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