

Latest answers from jonnorth

c told u i would still ask you questions with anonymous off.. will you go out with me ?

katelyn Yorrk
Nope, sorry.
1. I don't have a clue who you are
2. I already have a great girlfriend

your right she does smell, like rotten cheese

How much do you want to bet that if I turn anonymous off you won't ask me anymore questions :)

whatever i still think ur hot

You say these things, yet you've never tried to contact me, just anonymously. Why not act like an adult ? Sure you have the right to express your opinion but by exercising that right (anonymously) and saying the things you are, you make yourself look like a coward that has nothing better to do than troll on ask.fm. Next time, when you're interested in somebody try contacting them via Facebook or text, no need to act rude, just nice for once. BTW Ashtin smells

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