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‏حافظ على الذين يرونك مكانًا آمناً بالرُغم من سوئك وقلة عطائك، وحِدّة مزاجك واختفائك المُفاجئ وهُروبك المُستمر..
انا عدواني وهجومي وراعي مضاربات حتى لما يشوفوني الناس بالأماكن العامة يعرفون قد ايش اني خراط ويروحون يكتبونلي بتويتر وش هالتناقض اللي فيك انا مو قد كلامي انا شخص مقهور انا موجوع امدحو شهقاتيييييي عززولييييي
‏"ستجنى من ثمار العجز جهلا ..وتصغر في العيون إذا كبرتا
‏وتذكر قولتي لك بعد حين .. إذا حقا بها يوما عملتا
‏وإن أهملتها ونبذت نصحا .. وملت إلى حطام قد جمعتا
‏لسوف تعض من ندم عليها ...وما تغني الندامة إن ندمتا
‏إذا أبصرت صحبك في سماء .. قد ارتفعوا عليك وقد سفلتا"
‏الراحة ليست دائمًا في تحقيق ما تُريد؛ بل في مدى إدراكك بالبركة فيما لديك
I was having an interesting conversation with a friend not long ago and it got me thinking about the connotative meaning of some of the words.
Connotation is the cultural, emotional connections associated with the words that you don’t usually find in a dictionary. For example, kid means a child but it can be used as an insult if addressed to an older person.
The word we were discussing was the word “ healing” and how it involves deep wounds , and hurts that take a long time to recover from. That’s why one cannot “ heal” him or herself because those wounds should be tended to by another person who can see as deep as the wound is and prescribe the treatment, follow it up , watch it over , care for it as long as it takes to “ heal “ . On the other hand , if one is capable of tending to their own wounds then those are merely scratches or surface pains that one can “ treat “ because they can see them clearly and apply whatever needed for them to be “ cured”
It’s been awhile since I thought as a Language Arts Teacher 🌿🌻

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Language: English