

Ask @jrditaa98

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What makes you laugh the most?

something simple makes me laugh loudly, cause you know i love to laugh, bcs maybe tmr i can't laugh anymore

Who is the craziest person you know?

smangat fisika ciyee :3 lembur ciyee ciyeee in ajaaa :3 semangatin dengg hehe :'D makin smangaaaat

How long have you lived in your current home?

Semangat :))) i know you can. for me, whichever profession I'll get,I promise I'll do my best everyday for my job

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If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show, what would you talk about?

Jem harus semangat demi masa depan negara ini *cielah *tapiemangbenerkann? *janganmalesanjanganmageranjanganpayah semangattt :)) liat orang sukses rasanya seneng banget whihihi ... smoga dita nyusul scepatnyaaa Amin :)

What do you think are the world’s three greatest cities?

lagi ngerjain matematika nih mau diselesaikan sekarang juga hehe . selesai jam berapa? jam 11 Amiin

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

lanjutkan hidupmu. masa lalu boleh kau rindu tapi jangan tenggelam dalam kerinduan,buatlah kenangan indah lagi. cari kebahagiaan itu,jangan kau tunggu,tapi cari !

What is the next big thing that will blow people’s minds?

ngerjain tgas agama+math+fisika men ........ slamat bertempur !!

What is (or was) your favorite class in school?

kindergaten was the best :pp i love for being a kid :( youdunnowhatimean right? yes you'll never know

What vegetable do you hate?

hiyya udah tengah malem blm selesai blajar penjas. pengen pasrah tapi hahaha sedih banget kedengerannya jadi yaudah babay jem mau blajar wkwk. sok banget. #ngomongsendiri #haha

What is your favorite pic of yourself?

lagi kangen sekalii sma rasa pempek huahua pengen dapet langsung dr tempat aslinyaa

If you could be another person for a day, who would you be?

not for a day i hope forever. pengen bantu anak-anak jalanan dan kekurangan buat sekolah,berbagi ilmu,dan keterampilan spy mereka bisa menapaki masa depan yg cmerlang . Amin . really want to do it. Hopefully.

How did you meet your best friend?

when you have your story to share but you haven't a friend to talk to about it remember you have God and you can tell anything to Him. whatever don't worry . :)

What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

lagi bosen jadi anak sekolahan . haha . ya siapa aja pasti pernah dan akan bosen dg pekerjaanny .

What's your number one rule in life?

Ya Allah :( sorry for all my faults ......
I'm not a good person..... :((((((((( huhu

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

someone make a decision after think it and make sure that 'i'll be fine with the risks" ...


Language: English