
Husni Mubarak Zainal

Kak H! How are you? It's okay if I ask you a question, right? Well, I have a senior and I found my self starting to like him. But I'm just too damn shy to talk or smile for him, what should I do?

fail by not trying is linger longer and haunting more than rejection. i learned it in a hard way and trust me, you won't like it neither.

Latest answers from Husni Mubarak Zainal

If you could choose to live anywhere in the world where would you prefer to live?

in a land where humanity is being respected and everyone follow the same religion: A religion of peace.
I describing utopia, yeah I know.

what is the 'ideal life' for you?

rezkawildan’s Profile PhotoRezka Wildan
yang cukup-cukup saja. tidak lebih, tidak kurang. tidak banyak, tidak sedikit.
pas rejeki diberi pada saat yang tepat dan cobaan diberi pada saat yang tepat juga.

what is the best movie you've watched in 2014?

the normal heart!
i could say one of the best movie i've watched so far, regardless the year.
what is the best movie youve watched in 2014

Hi i'm dropping some.... no, i mean A LOT of admiration here. For you! :))

if admiration can be converted into turkish lira, i might treat you some tea and kebab. :)

Kak H, it seems like you always keep your mind to think positively.. How?

if you can choose to follow the light, then why hiding in the dark? :)

Do you like to play traditional game? If you do, then what is your most favorite one?

i was playing traditional game even until i was in college, we were playing "asing". but my all time favorite is "layangan" and "meriam bambu"

What do you like to have for breakfast?

a banana smoothies, greek yoghurt, a bowl of granola or nasu palle'ko by my mom.

Hi kak H! How's your life going? I wonder how do you feel when the first time you decided to do things like what you do as a doctor recently. You inspire me a lot!

afraid and exciting, but the curiosity was beating the scared out of me. glad it happen that way :)

Kak H, 2015 nanti ada target tertentu yg ingin dicapai?

beside being a father with most likely won't happen anytime sooner. i hope my pilot project on new model of treatment for hepatitis-c is starting in pakistan and hopefully other countries. doakan ya :)

Language: English