

What does friendship mean to you? What should your friend be like? Do you have a lot of friends? What could be your reasons for discontinuing friendship with a person?

1. It means that I have people who will be there for me and I will be there for them.
2. Loyal, trustworthy, and nice
3. Ig
4. if they don't try to keep our friendship and are being rude to me

Latest answers from kayla5764

What animal do you think is the scariest?

I’m not sure but I was deadly afraid of spiders when I was younger still sort of am.

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

I have to be really into them I would also have to meet them first just to be safe but other than that sure I just have to know them really well and make sure they are actually who they say they are.

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No it’s normal to like two people at the same time

Language: English