If someone wanted to kiss you on the street to post on YouTube, would you agree? October 29, 2021 Possibly
what movie could you watch on repeat and never get tired of? pennyyypieee October 29, 2021 Lord of the Rings Triology.
If you had the opportunity to send one message to all humanity, what would your message be? October 29, 2021 Live your life because 100 years from now you ain’t going to be here.
Do you miss someone that don't use this app anymore and you talk every day with the person ? October 29, 2021 No
Get angry, for anger is not a fault, but the fault is not to come back to your senses! October 29, 2021 “Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering.” — Yoda
Coronavirus will never end we are living in the last days on this Earth I am tired wearing masks on my face and nose marioevans1272 October 29, 2021 Same as the cold, it will never end. Get vaccinated and live life.
Would you rather love and experience heartbreak or never loved so you don’t have to deal with the pain of broken heart? October 29, 2021 Love and experience heartbreak
Drunken sex w another person not your significant other is not technically considered cheating? October 29, 2021 Absolutely, unless approved by the SO