
Kendal Meyer

Ask @kendalcierra21

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Don't you feel bad at all since he's like best friends with Josh?

Not really. I mean Josh broke up with me. And I think he wanted us to date.

Because your at a hillsdale which is a hillbilly school and it wouldn't be that hard to do.

Okay. Thanks for your concern. But a lot of people have told me I'm a very good cheerleader so..

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Kendal I know we dont really talk, but your so pretty. your so sweet and I like you youu. ♡!(:

Haha! Thanks!(: Your so gorgeous and so sweet!(: What's your Kik? Ill send you my number!
Liked by: Elizabeth

Thankss Gorgeous !(: and seriously ? .-. Youre afraid of not being good enough? Kendal youre kidding right.? Omg youre likee awesome !! And freaking gorgeous! Share the pretty ? Gawsh (:

SophieRoseGoon’s Profile Photo~
Sophieeee!(: I love youuu!<3 This was so sweet! Your gorgeous enough already!(:

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

Because some people realize they have a purpose in life and live their life the way they want to and set high goals for themselves. While others don't care whatsoever.


Language: English