
Kennice S

Have you ever locked yourself out of the house?

Yeesss. It was below 10°C outside and I didn’t wear any proper outfit. I went to buy something to drink while waiting for somebody to reach home but the nearby place was only selling cold milk. Such a day.

Latest answers from Kennice S

Kerja cape ya:(

winengsih’s Profile PhotoIwi
Resign gih. I just did, now your turn! 🤪
(Beneran udah resign. This month will be my last. Mau rehat dulu)

Sebutin nama kota di Indonesia yang nggak ada huruf A nya

Depok, Cirebon, Bojonegoro, Gresik, Jember, Ubud, Sorong, Bukittinggi, Bengkulu, dll.

lu memandang orang yg lu suka dari fisiknya atau kesetiaannya

Kesetiaan itu bisa dinilai kalo udah kenal bertahun2 dan itu ongoing process. Jd yang bisa dilihat kalo memandang orang yg disuka ya dari fisiknya, karena pertanyaannya cuma ada 2 pilihan itu.

Beri aku nasehat 🙏🏻

- Never put someone feels helpless when they're talking to you. Jangan nyetir sambil marah dan membahayakan kedua pihak (nyetir sambil debat boleh, tapi jangan pernah sampe emosi). Jangan main tutup telepon / mengancam menutup telepon ketika marah. It's just simply not wise. Have the talk until you're done or tell them you'll call them later when you're ready. End it gracefully.
- If you're the one cancelled a plan with your friend(s), try to be the one to reschedule and rearrange it.
- It is fine not to follow the common beliefs in terms of food consumption. Satu porsi sebuah restoran belum tentu satu porsi yang dibutuhkan tubuhmu. Sesuaikan porsi yg dimakan dengan tubuhmu. If you think the food is twice your portion, then keep half of it for later. Not because you can’t afford to buy more food, but because you respect your body. The food industry will keep trying to make you consume more portion, more sugar, more coffee, etc. Just because you’re served their “one portion” doesn’t mean it’s your portion. Just because everyone buys bubble tea or coffee everyday, doesn’t mean it’s the new lifestyle. It’s an entirely unhealthy lifestyle. You don’t need more than 7 tea spoon of sugar EACH WEEK. Your body is just not supposed to take it more than that. Even the “healthy” food like granola and plain milk actually contains lots of sugar. A good rule of thumb: 4g of sugar is 1 tea spoon. You will find out that even the most plain milk sold in the supermarket contains of sugars.
Those are the practical advices that I can think of :) hope that gave you a clarity of mind in some ways!

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Kok belum tidur? Overthingking ya ?

Not really, I'm just trying to imagine what I will be doing, 5 years from now. Because finally I decided to resign from my current company :) it's been a veryyy difficult decision to make!

Gw suka sama cowok, kita deket bet n kenal udah lama. Dia pernah suka gw, tapi gw gk pingin pacaran walau gw sebenernya juga ada rasa. Nah suatu hari dia tahu kalo gw suka dia. Terus dia bilang kalo sudah ada cewek yg ia ingin kejar. Dan dia bilang pingin tetap sahabatan baik sama gw. Gw harus gmn?

Kan lu bilang lu ga ada niat pacaran, ya udah jd sahabat yg baik, bantuin dia kejar target barunya aja.
Kalau sudah memutuskan ngga akan mau pacaran, ga ada bedanya apakah dia tahu perasaan lu atau ngga. Dan lagi, nggak seharusnya dia tau perasaan lu. Jangan tarik ulur perasaan orang. Untungnya dia nggak berharap lg sama lu.
Mengikuti konsekuensi dari keputusanmu untuk nggak pacaran sm dia, sekarang jadilah sahabat yg baik buat dia. Kalo nggak kuat dan merasa salah bikin keputusan, bilang ke dia kalo km prefer somekind of distance, membiasakan diri dgn kehidupan tanpa dia sampe km bisa bener2 nerima kenyataan dia udah suka sm yg lain (kalo km masih mau temenan baik sm dia). It's hard but you will get through this :)

Language: English