
Kennice S

Ask @kennicesetiadi

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Sering nonton basket cik? Lulus tahun kemarin cik?

Cuma kadang-kadang aja sih kalo ada yg ajak =)) soalnya aku jg g terlalu ngikutin basket, but I always enjoy watching it though 😄
Ya, aku lulus taun lalu :)

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Dulu smanya dimana cik?

SMA-ku dulu basketnya lumayan terkenal =D ehe.
Main tebak-tebakan dulu gapapa kan yah?

Wow you looks much more younger hahaha And what course are you taking?

Ahahah, thanks! 😆
Currently I'm studying about hospitality & tourism =)

How old are you ? What was your first impression about SG ?

Hello. I'm turning 19 this year :)
Well, Spore is a well-managed country. Especially for the safety, cleanliness, and the transportation systems as well.

Who is someone you wish you had never met?

Nobody :) I'm grateful for everyone I've met who's had an impact on my life ❤
Who is someone you wish you had never met

What magic words do you know?

- "Sim Sala Bim"
- "Pirika Pirirara Poporina Peperuto"
- "Wingardium Leviosa"
- "Abra Kadabra Alakazam"
- "Swiper jangan mencuri"
What magic words do you know


Language: English