

Hi guys, ini pertanyaan yg cukup rame diaskfm 'sebelah😅'. So would you tell us 10 facts about yourself by which 7 are true and 3 are lies? pastinya nanti ditebak hehehe. thanks and happy holiday😊

staihly’s Profile Photopoys
Okay.. Sounds interesting.
1. I have a really really bad temper. I can lay a hit to someone's face when I am reaching the roof.
2. I am pretty friendly. I can talk with whoever and break the ice easily.
3. I dislike eating. Like, I only eat for the sake of my health, not to satisfy my desire.
4. I also dislike sleeping. Sleep wastes my time and I'd rather play with my puppies and only sleep when I really need to.
5. Dance is what I fond of.
6. I have only banged less than 5 girls and never felt addicted.
7. I had my first kiss in my senior year.
8. I am that neat bastard that sleeps regularly and wakes up in 6 AM to go for a run and takes a bath and lives a healthy lifestyle.
9. My weakness is schoolgirl in uniform, plump lips, and submission. Hell yeah.
10. I don't deal with those who tryna test the water on me. I don't accept sugary treat that comes from your mouth. No, thanks, I don't fuck with you.
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Latest answers from ㅤKAI

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cjinreey’s Profile Photointernet princess
prolly ngaca? hahah. because the least i can do aside of believing others' opinion about me is ya ngaca. baru percaya whether it's true or not. anyway, long time no see, folks.

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1. Yang kalo ada kesempatan pas lampu merah, maunya nyamber aja. Lu kalo dibablasin tronton gua duluan yang nge-alhamdulillahinnya.
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