

Ask @kkaebsonggg

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Pap anything kan? You prob get bored with my constant answers abt exo members. but oh well, found this tweet on twitter and istg words cant describe how beautiful and aesthetic Kai is when he dances. I just lmao when people say he "exaggerates" his moves btch dont know what art is. Some people dance using their hands and legs and only follow what they've been taught. But Kai, he uses every bones, every inch, every muscles of his body, he dances with his soul, not just by instruction. That's why when you see him dancing you dont see a common dancer on stage performing choreographies. You see Kai performing what art is. He's like the god of dance may i say, as weird as it sounds. and i can say, he himself is art.
[@SEKAlSSUE: if by "exaggerates his moves" you mean he turns normal choreographies in performance Art then yes bitch, ur welcome]

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Honest talk about mia donggg

mialvr’s Profile PhotoTazmira Alvrysita
ewww mau banget wkwk
Kak mia itu.. rame. Rame banget lah menyatukan kita semua kalo ga ada dia kita hanyalah gorengan garing. Trus kalo cerita seruuu, narsis, mantannya banyak hmm palagi ya. terakhir, pinter ngomong^^
Liked by: Tazmira Alvrysita

Which is your favorite pair of shoes? PAP!

not instagram worthy bcs the socks were inside out???
Anyway, my adidas superstar Star Wars edition bought with my very own money. eyyy...
Which is your favorite pair of shoes PAP

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

bokap dipindah kerjakan ke palembang 4 tahun lalu.
gue ngga bakal tinggal disini dan sekolah disini dan


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