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Latest answers from William

I know this isn't a question but I just wanna say thank you for being a smash player. You're one of the players that really inspire me to play smash! :D

<3 happy to help :]

Sooo I've seen you multiple times at events and even played once against you. I was thinking of approaching you later for friendlies/autograph/MM but I had no idea how to approach you and what to say. Generally when one wants to ask you for friendlies/MM/Hangouts how should one do it?

Hello my name is x would you like to do y

You kick ass at Apex man. You have been practicing really hard, and I'll know you will kill it at beast. You try to be honest and real, but it sometimes blows up in your face. Just remember that constructive criticism is not just what you say but how you say it. It shouldn't matter, but it does.

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks dude!

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