
Lani Casinas

Ask @lanicasinas

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Are you the type of person that holds grudges on people for what they did in the past?

Yes and I have no regrets about it. Shouldn’t of done what you did 🤷🏻‍♀️

Don't you hate it when someone is telling you to calm down when you're angry? That only pisses me off even more. 😒

Oh my god yes

I love you. Never stopped loving you..I am here for you just as I was yesterday, today I am here, tomorrowwww I am here..just as I will be 4ever. 💋. Get ready my love. 💋

This is so cringe ew

I love you. I wish I could be in your life, but I don’t want to be. Because you don’t want me in your life, so it wouldn’t work. Trust me, I don’t go where I’m not wanted. Even if I want to be there. No point in that. I was just thinking about what I’d be like to hug you again and was like🥰

Why are you sending this to everyone?

Im a nice person. But if I see an ugly person, I tell them they r ugly. Am i still a nice person?



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