

Ask @laraelizzabeth

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My boyfriend cheated on me. What do I do?

Stick his dick in a paper shredder, then impale the bitch through the vagina. Then get over it and be happy.

What is art to you?

art is any form of self expression. Piercings, painting, dancing, tattoos, drawing; you catch my drift.

How much money do you need to feel rich?

Im dirty, broke and free; while rich in dreams <3 So to answer your question non-poetically. I dont need much to feel rich. I dont care to be rich, or wealthy. I dont necessarily like not having money, but in the end after life ends; what does money buy you then? Money wont buy you a long happy life. Money wont buy you a good attitude with a fierce complexion. The extent of money is paying for a way to make memories, and even then most rich people I know has the charisma of a bird and dont know how to have a good time.

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Perfect date?

Going to Mcdonalds or the mall and just dicking around. I dont have high expectations for dates. Fancy dinner dates are boring and I talk/move too much to go to a theater with a guy who likes to actually just sit there.

Are you bi?

No. Im not some 13 year old girl trying to fit in with whatevers in right now. I have nothing against, and find nothing wrong with being bi or gay, but thats just not who I am. Dont get me wrong though, girls are attractive. I just hate them too much to ever date one.

What is the least stressful job you can think of?

This is America, we get paid to do almost nothing as long as our president is a Democrat.

Do you like SWS?

I think theyre overrated. Kellin isnt hot, and because most girls think he is their band is big. If they got new vocals, they would be so much better. Not hating, just saying, that they can go fuck themselves.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would you choose?

I would do anything to go back in time and eat dinner with my great grandma in the nursing home again. Shes used to try to sneak us kids her mashed potatoes so the nurses thougt she ate more, though they always knew that we ate them instead.

What do you value the most in your life?

While most people would expect me to say 'boyfriend', im going to broaden this subject a little bit. My friends, because boyfriend should be your friend too. As they come and go, they always tend to create more good memories than bad.

How do you feel about the difference between being seen in underwear or a bikini?

I think its the same thing, really. If im covered, then so what? Society has painted this picture that its okay to be seen in a skimpy bikini, but god forbid someone see your underwear.

What is your attitude to human cloning?

I think it would be used for things like sex toys and slaves when it could be used for getting people off their asses to work. Like another you shouting "GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GET TO WORK"

Do you like your sister at all It seems shes really mean

Shes my best friend. If anything, she learned it from me. And if you want me to cut to the point, here it is.
Do you like your sister at all It seems shes really mean

What is your main rule?

respect yourself. no matter who has you down, just keep going. it doesnt have anything to do with short shorts or low cut tops, self respect is about doing what makes you happy and whats going to benefit you. Now if you have a problem with girls that wear shit like that or if you just dont like someone actions, then thats your lack of respect for them; not their lack of respect from themselves.

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

i would sell the ticket to someone who actually wants it. im content with using the money to drive to south carolina.

What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done?

walked through a circle pit when it was forming. Its like walking through the inside of a tornado, but sweatier and theres people instead of couches like in the wizard of oz.

Who do you look up to the most?

nobody and everybody really. Theres admireable qualities in everyone, but looking up to one person just leads to trying to be like them and eventually getting hurt that you arent them.

Language: English