

You're stuck on an island. How would you spend your time?

Honestly I’d just relax. I feel like I barely have any time on my hands. It would be nice to just go in the water and lay on the beach.

Latest answers from Lays

Who makes you laugh?

You know there was a study done recently that women value being funny in a partner more than men.

si un árbol cae en el bosque y no hay nadie cerca hace ruido ?

Claro que si. Sonido solo es una vibracion que produce una onda dw sonido. Aunque nadie esta alli, todavia existen.

What place on earth is a must-see?

I think just seeing every type of geographical landform is a must! Like the ocean, mountains, glaciers. Their all amazing and unique in their own way

What is the one thing you want most in your life right now

To just be happy. I need to find a balance between being happy with myself and my friends and family.

Marriage is your decision?Or is it arranged by your parents?

Honestly I’m struggling now with what my family thinks about who I date, but you have to learn to live your own life. You’re never going to be happy having other people dictate it for you

¿Estás de acuerdo con que ha habido un crecimiento en el movimiento cristiano en los últimos años?

Yo creo que es lo opuesto. Por que lo crees?

What are some of the best feelings in life ??©

Feeling completely loved. I felt this way because of my dad today and it’s easy to take people for granted. Don’t let the people who you love feel unloved.

Did ever go on a field trip to the San Francisco zoo as a child ?

Lmao I went to the Miami Metro Zoo

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