Ask @lia64

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What do you think are the best methods how to control anger issues? Why?

Well when i feel angry i change the room , change the way im in and i do pretty funny two stuff xd when i feel angry i look at the mirror and i start to laugh at how i look xD or sometimes i feel like i wanna hit somebody or crash sth up so i grab my fist and boooomb to the wall it hurts xD but i feel stupid and laugh and actually those stuff in some how make me less anger im not a angry person not at all :D thanks to god :p

Do you believe in Karma? Like do you think it exists..? Because fuck it I have an awesome friend (not me I swear) who is like the greatest dude ever and nothing he ever does well returns to him. Like only fucked up shit happens to him, so what the fuck? Anyway,why do you believe in karma or why not?

Echo and Narcissus
I believe that earth spin roundly and everything you do comes back to you in a different way but it comes back like Mougli stick xD and yh actually it happened just today with me xD i was with my friend shopping and suddenly she fall down xD actually i couldnt help my self i was laughing allot at the way and right now when she was driving me back home i got out of the car and fall at the ground xD karma babeee xD


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