Ask @lia64

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I'm trying to avoid someone in reality. once I woke up this morning at 5, I suddenly missed him. I slept back at 7 and dream of him. In that dream, he's there. As I kept avoiding him he kept coming to my side. What does it mean?

Its even u got used to that person that u cant let him go , or you like him ;)
Liked by: Joko NooR .

You are so good at answers..pls tell me why do we have problems in our lives..I would have google it and get the answer but I want it from you :)

shit_just_got_real’s Profile PhotoSwapnesh
Hehe thank you a lot =D hehe well my philosophy will start now coughing ** I think there is two reasons its even the world is revolving which some name it Karma , or bad stuff sometimes happen cuz behind this issue might be something great for you , with our ends our beginnings =p shortly and this , optimistic people can find it, oh and there is a 3rd thing its a bit stupid from my view for example some people have family and coherent family and then they say uggh im a loner no body loves me I quite name those ppl "DARAMA QUEEEEEENS " =P I hope I satisfy you with my answer xp

what would you do if that new classmate of yours suddenly unfollowed you on instagram for example. How would your reaction be? But before that you do realize that when you saw the person in school, you smiled but the person smiled away and walk away quickly. What would you do? Help

Hehehehehe im sorry xD that really cracked me seriously !? Oo !? Hehehe you should not care hun
Liked by: Joko NooR Like = like

What if darkness is light, but really really faint? Sorry if you already received the question, but in a different form.

Nope i guess cuz the main thing is that any object is dark unless any sun rays or light pr photons hit tge object to make it clear when it reflects to your eyes so with the absence of the light i guess every object it dark

Your suggestions about good English learning books ?

There is a series about learning english but i never opened any i think by listening reading any english book and maybe checking your grammar would benefit you more than english learning books ;)
Liked by: Joko NooR Like = like

في الجنة : لن نرى بُؤس فقير ، و لا غرور غني ، و لن نلمح فتى مُشرد ! جميعُنا سُعداء أغنياء ، اللهم اجعلنا من أهلها ولا تحرمنا لذة رؤيتك

Safwan RG♡
Liked by: Joko NooR Like = like

well, I loved the video..-.- I just want to scold the one who disliked it..there is one dislike on video -_-

Hehe sorry ':) i thought you wr trying to be sarcastic or sth :D thanks a lot the girl was on instagram she was saying that im steeling other people ideas idn what the idea if you brought i cup cake photo a real cupcake and you draw it thats why she was blaming me for this and she disliked two of my videos , i dont imitate people with their ideas no way and if i did i'd say this idea isnt mine ;) ❤️❤️ but thank you for the Q and sorry for the misunderstanding ❤️

is there anyone you know who thinks he/she wasted 6:54 mins watching your "cup cake" video?

Nope cuz they watched it to learn the way and the tools so if you watched it and you are not interested in drawing , painting , or cupcakes why did you ?! You are waisting my time and yours ;) should i tell you how to live your life as well -_-
Liked by: Joko Like = like

عذراً أيها العيد الملطخ بدماء الأبرياء، المليء بالبغظ والحقد والكراهيه ،، عذراً أيها العيد عليك الرحيل عني والذهاب إلى الأطفال الأبرياء أصحاب القلوب النقيه فأنت لهم،،،

Safwan RG♡
Liked by: Joko Like = like


Language: English