Ask @lia64

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Heeeey amiga <3 <3 guess who am i???( sry i can't stop maja3'ating xD)... I just read an answer down the page and......Ohh Goood i love u soooo freaking much!!!!!!!<3 <3 U'r the best friend anyone could have and the best sister on this earth <3 <3 i'd give u my life too if u need it <3 <3 <3

Lool thanks rahoof but i really mean it ❤❤❤❤

Random questions : Can you close your eyes and do whatever you're doing ? Ex. if your eating .. can you eat without messing yourself while your eyes are closed ?

Lool no xD
Liked by: Majnonha ~ §aRaH ~

حــركه تجلطــك !

ميشيل !
Ummm ! When u are watching sth and some one change the channel -__-
When i download a movie and wait idn how much hour i wait and then kaboooom da movie dont play -___-
When u'r so excited about sth and some one refuse and destroy it
When theres 5 min lift from my arabic class and the teacher said we have time to take a new lesson !!oO

Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least 8 people's asks (anonymously) who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out.

Yeey im surprised again by the anon who surprise me allot , thaaaaaaank you i like ur surprises beautiful

Aww I miss you too! Glad to know that you're doing well there(: I'm doing pretty fine here too. 1 week had passed and finally weekends. Hehe. Not to forget, I'm so happy just sharing good news here, got accepted to a school of my choice. Like finally ^^ Have a great weekends ;D

Yeeeyim happy for u !! Great enjoy jr school ;D my weekend had just finished xD so yeeey !!!

The weekend has arrived. Some of you may already be in it. So to all, I want to wish you a lovely weekend, may all be blessed with happiness, luck, health, love, and hugs, kisses, and smiles! {You are all lovely and wonderful people} :)x

Oooooooh how sweeet well my weekend is dooooooooo'oonee but thanks i wish for u the best of luck enjoy it amiga ;) anon ;P

BWAHAHA! Lets see who knows me well! Mention 5 facts about me *no cheating*

Lool okay 1-ur name is ali u like to be called AD ;)
2- u have pretty amazin tattoos ❤❤ and piercing ;P
3-u got a cute bro i forgot his name xD
4- u like metal rock i guess !! \0/
5- u r wonderful and u like the phrase ايش يا غزاله xP


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