Ask @lia64

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Mention or list some things you wish everybody knows! x

I wanna tell some of the ppl that every kind of ppl evil bad wt ever theres a lil kid inside him xD like really im not kiddin that ppl change him or the cruelly circumstances he turned to wt he is but dont dont judge him for wt he turn to be judge his heart , ppl born kind and innocent but some ppl change them ;D i have many xD

استحقِر الناس اللي . . . . . . . . . *اكملوا* |قائمتي ._. :$!

استحقر الناس اللي تقتل باسم الله
استحقر الناس اللي تشوف كل شي غلط و تحسب الناس كلهم زيها
استحقر الناس الي يستحقروا على الضعيف
استحقر الناس اللي تستحقر نعمة الله عليها
استحقر الناس اللي فاهمين دينهم غلط وجالسين يخربو فيه ويشوهو سمعته
استحقر الناس اللي عندها ام و اب يحبوهم او احد يحبهم واخر شي تنبذ هاذا الشي يا عمي روحي بس
استحقر والله استحقر كثيييييييير افعال من الناس ;(((

If you have friends that no longer talks to you like how they used to, for some reason which you don't even know. But they still follow you be it in Twitter or Instagram, why do you think they do that? What would you do? Still following them or you confront them? Or...?

Look maybe the problem came from me or sth !! Like i ignored them but they wanted to be friends or sth so i would probably ask them if they didnt answer well doesnt matter ;/ .. ;)

what would you do if you noticed that your friends - those that you are close with, somehow treated you differently as in they didn't talk to you like how it used to, looked at you like you did something wrong which you yourself don't know what. what are you going to do? confront or just ignore?

I would maybe ask them but im not that type i dont need to explain my actions if they got any of them wrong even though they're welcome after their drama ;)

الصديقاتْ ، <3({}) هُم اللذين يَمنحُونك التنفسْ ، / بِ مكان مُغلق توفوا فِيه الكثير ... فِعلاً : الأصدقاء نعمَة في الحياة ، فَ يَارَبّ لا تحرمنْي مِنْ صديقاتي <3 ...

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ amazin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ :* amean


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