Ask @lia64

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Can you write a conversation between two items in your refrigerator? (For example, what might the mayonnaise and the pickles be talking about before you open the door?)

Yh sure ...
Le all food prayin that i would not open the refrigerator
, da bread say oh im hearing sth
The cheese scream and get fainted by hearing ma foot steps
and the egg say oh dear here she come
,, booooooooooom then i appear , tadaaaaaaa creative i know xD

Why you dont have twitter i would love to follow you there !?

Oh thank u dear i would love to but i haaaaaaaaaate twitter , i haaaate it , like dude all of the ppl there is so educated and gentle who say poems and idioms and they all become wise and stuffff so fu*kin boooorin half of them liars , beside i have so much to waste my time on xD xD but thanks i'd like to follow u here

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Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?

Loooll naah i never noticed xD maybe that person have a killin mouth smell ((halitosis )) xP

What factors are important to you when choosing a book to read? Reviews? A Recommendation from a friend? The front cover?

Lool front cover xD like dude it grabs all of my attention so i gotta buy it sometimes the story or main idea x))))


Language: English