Ask @lia64

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What is better in your view: To say the truth despite being hurtfull even if it may destroy people hopes life etc. Or to lie and keep it secret that will not affect anyone only you?

i think better is to not say a word and if they wanted badly to know ur opinion well tell them the truth in a way that would not hurt them ;)

Define Death? What is human? How you know things wrong or right?example why even kids who dont know anything dont want anyone to die! why criminals bad how human know that? Do you beleive in the energy such as if u want something it happen?Will power better say! Finally Who are you?

umm death is dying ;D . Humans who have humanity , i dont ;) , ;/ cuz they're innocent ! , not all of them how did ppl know well they made a mistakes i dont think ppl forget or forgive ;) , ummm !! Weird i guess yh ( tfa2lo bel 5air tajedoh) ! ,,who am i ! Im alia ;D


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