Ask @lia64

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Hi everyone been long time! Lets strat asking!! Mention Five things you hate?Do you like been used or use others? Do you like take responsibility(like been leader etc..)?Would you die for someone else ? hope you answer them! have nice day everyone.

I nate umm 1- i hate fake ppl . 2- i hate wasting time but i still do it .3- i hate to be sick , just 0o ,...
Of course noooooo! , ummm rarely xD yeah noob

Hi everyone :D ,, what about body language are you interested in it ? do you think it's important or necessary in social communication skills ,i mean would make dealin & understandin others more easily ? have u ever read or watch somthin about it ,, if so share me with some even a lil ^-^ !

Holla ;D
Heeelllllllll yeaaaaaaaaaaaah imso freakin interested in it, and yeeeah yup but he must know exactly what he's doin , i read 3 books about it and one about sigmund frued who discovered the idn what alla sh3oor which he was a psychologist and i used to watch on utube about body lang ;D


Language: English