Ask @lia64

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Have U ever steal ? Other than the things U steal all the time from Ur family ;p I won't judge U I know that when we were kidswe stole some candy or anything ;p ? Come on Confess

Lool thats not stealin but my cousin took my candy's and ate them and he still have his sooooo i took revenge ;,) but i took more x) he still dont know who took his candys
Liked by: Majnonha Lamia Joko Rahaf

hahahahaha about the chickens :P I'll tell u a better and similer Idea :D y dont u buy 10 persion cats ,,, and make them .. u know ,, (marry) :D and they will get alotttttttt of babies that u can sell each one for at least 1000 riyal :D

BaraA M
Hahaha ! I hate cats prefer dogs ,but their no dogs with 1000 ;) so let's just keep the idea of chikoo ;)

Oii ppl :D so if I gave you 1000 Riyal and told u to increase it to 100,000 by the end of the month .. what willl you do to make that happen :D ?? at7efoooni :P

BaraA M
Amm poker ;) just kidding amm
lool bs 1000 xP mrra 8leel ..
I'll buy chickens And then take all the eggs sail it ;D

لمه تًقولهآ.. إذآ أستًحيتً \ عصبتً \ روقتً \ خلاصً وصُل حُدڪْ \ إنصدمتً,؟

استغفر الله ومرات تفوت كلمات بالخط ;)
Wiwiiiiii ;D
ما فهمتها xD
huh !!? Whaaaat !! ;)

Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected? why ? XD   

Cuz when you Dont expect the unepected make you shoked and shattered some times so we should expect any expected or unexpected thing and not to get too deep to our expectations ;) it might take us awaaaay but we must expect to avoid the unexpected and be in unexpactible move
I didnt exprct that from me .btw have no idea what i just wrote but i think it's true xp

If you wake up and you find yourself alone in this earth, what will you do at this time? please use your imagination as much as you can>> x_x  

I answered it before but im gonna answer it agian 27rr fls6een xD im gonna bring enormous stereo hit the music on go to shops and supermarket buy things i meant take ;) sing ,dance , creat a robot make him my husband creat also tiny little robots xD ma kids yeey forever aloone

Imagine that ur were about to talk to a person nd he said this 'I find you too much immature to hold a conversation. You need to grow up and gain experience. Then we can talk." so what would b ur reaction , will u reply bk or just accept it ? 

" i don't guess when i'm old enough going to talk to somebody like you . Me !! Haha with my entire powreful Useful mind -__- talking with u huh

if you liked someone and he does not care at all and you gave up for being silent and you told him and he said i thought you were lesbian, how are you gonna prove it for him that you are not ?! :Pp :$

Haha ;) i dont need too prove anything if he didn't believe me it gonna be gis biggest lost ;)

من السهل على آألانسان ان يضع يده فوق فمه حتى لا يتكلم ،،،لكن من الصعب ان يضع يده على قلبه حتى لا يحب .. فما رايك انت/ي ؟

True as i guess
Liked by: Lamia ...BiBo Joko Sarah

Did you ever watched a TV. show,movie or read a book and have it just stick in your mind like a food to your stomach and you can still taste the feelings it gives you, so you just think about it all the time? If yes, what's the name of the TV. show,movie or the book?

Mooolan’s Profile PhotoMoolan AlJassim
A movie but it didnt take that long like every day i think of it amm the pursuit of happiness ;) or 7 pounds

You're asked to make a new law. What will it be and whats the consequences of breaking it and why is that?

Ne6'am el jezyah w ykon fe beet mal el muslmen ;) amm the consequences gonna be amm double the payment
To take off all the poverty
Liked by: Lamia Joko Sarah

Lets all have fun again. Now use your imagination and answer this. You died and your soul stayed on earth. What you will do?

keep kidding with people xD torturing I guess xD
Liked by: Lamia Joko Sarah


اللهم أني احتسبت يومي هذا لوجهك الكريم، فيسره لي وبارك لي فيه،وتقبله مني.
اللهم أرني مايرضيك وأنطقني مايرضيك، وأسمعني ما يرضيك واستعملني في طاعتك.
اللهم افتح لي ابواب رحمتك وارزقني من حيث لا احتسب رزقا حلالا يرضيني يارب العالمين، استودع الله الذي لا تضيع ودائعه ديني ونفسي وخواتيم عملي وبيتي وأهلي ومالي وجميع ما انعم الله به عليي،استودعت الله نفسي وأهلي في ديننا ومالنا وخواتيم أعمالنا، اللهم أستودعك بيتي عن الفتن والكذب والفساد.
اللهم حصن بيتي من اوله لآخره ومن أعلاه لأسفله، اللهم ابعد عنه الحرام بأنواعه، اللهم أخرجني منه عزيز وردني إليه أعز واجعل لنا فيه السعادة في ديننا ودنيانا، اللهم أني أستودعك قلبي فلا تجعل فيه أحد غيرك، وإستودعتك لا إله إلا الله فلقني إيها عند الموت ،اللهم استودعتك نفسي فلا تجعلني أخطو خطوة إلا في مرضاتك.
اللهم استودعتك كل شيئ رزقتني واعطيتني فاحفظه لي من شر خلقك اجمعين واغفر لي ولوالدي يامن لاتضيع عنده الودائع .......(أعشق هذا الدعاء)

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If you found out you were going to die today, would you have any regrets? Would you be happy with the way you spent the last 24 hours of your life?

Sure i'll have some regrets , yes i guess i'll be happy i've been in that situation before ;)

When was the last time you lied? Is it possible to lie without saying anything at all?

I actually don't remeber , if acting concidered as a lie so yup ;)
Liked by: Lamia Sarah Joko


Language: English