
Julien Washington

Ask @liljay2300

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are you in love with anyone currently?

- somehow , someway , somewhere in my soul I'm still love with this one person that ( D )id the ( M )ost dirt to me & I still forqave them for all they ( D )id ; qets to me thinkin bout it all cause lord knows ima always love that qirl no matter what .

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An ex you wish you could be with for ever?

- hard decision , it was Daija I thouqht I would stay wit forever but shit happened so idk

How can you tell that someone is lying?

- either when they lauqh , stutter on purpose , can't look me dead in my face , & stress for no reason .

What are the benefits of being famous?

- in my opinion , nothin ; I wouldn't want to qain the world if I would just loose my soul in the process .

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

- I would qet my cousin name & face tatted on my upper riqht arm then a scripture . . #RipFILA


Language: English