
lindsey paradiso

Latest answers from lindsey paradiso

What to do when you are down ?

Nap. Eat. Cry. Go for a walk. Distract yourself with another activity.

How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner?

liquid_sinn’s Profile PhotoSinn
I wouldn’t unless it was completely necessary and relevant

Would you stay with someone who wouldn't let you drop them in front of their job? 5+ years in a relationship. They would only allow you to drop them in the far parking lot of their workplace.

Drop them off, you mean? Have you asked them why?

Why fairy tales are told to children?

Because they don’t mean as much to us. One way or another we eventually acquire the notion that magic doesn’t exist in the way it does in fairy tails, and that happy ever afters aren’t promised, and the good guys don’t always win. They haven’t had that set in yet.

What are some things in life (can include your future wants/needs) that you will not compromise on and why?

I don’t want biological kids, I want to live somewhere I’m happy, be someone I’m happy with, never settle in any relationship, and do something that makes me happy. You can’t compromise on the big stuff like that. But my big stuff isn’t all extremely specific either.

Language: English