I am trans......I think, I'm only 15. Am I too young to be trans??? No...is it because everyone is being ftm that I want to be?? May 27, 2021 Definitely not you are never too young to be trans maybe for the surgery but never transitioning
Have you ever been called to school principal’s cabinet? If yes, for what? May 20, 2021 NONEYA business but yes
Would you rather explore a new planet, or the deepest parts of the ocean? Why? May 14, 2021 Mmmmh that’s really hard probably a planet so I can talk shit about my planet with the E.Ts Liked by: jay
Are you a person with cold hands and warm heart or person with warm hands and cold heart ? 😁 May 05, 2021 Warm hands and a cold heart I guess I don’t think I have a cold heart just straightforward
What can make my English and my accent better? noya April 27, 2021 Maybe work on the pronunciation of each letter and vowels. Or how certain letter placements affect how the word will sound.
What kind of pet would you like to have in the future? April 27, 2021 A snake or a monkey I really want a cat if I had to be “normal”