

Ask @lorengrayy

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Y did u choose him n not harvey or someone else 🙁?

me and grant have gotten to know eachother in the past few months and he’s a really good friend. we are really close now and i though he was the perfect guy for this music video 😊
+1 answer in: “who’s the guy in the pictures you and your mum have been posting of your music video? are you dating?”

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can you tell us about your new song Loren? btw ily

i cant really say much but hopefully it will be something that people can relate to. when u lose someone u thought you would never lose and would stay with u forever it really breaks your heart and you might feel like nothing will ever be ok again. but i’m telling u, time heals everything. this song is all about the heartbreak and the pain. i love u too angel 💓

Hi Loren! Seriously, you’re so beautiful and so sweet to your fans!! I’m living to far for meeting so😪 But I really want to meet you one day!! I love u and thank you for everything you do for your fans!!❤️

FloSBerube20’s Profile PhotoFlo S.Bérubé™
you guys make me the happiest girl alive and u gave me the opportunity to live and follow my dreams so i’m eternally grateful for u and everything u do. you guys deserve the world and i try to make u as happy as u make me. we’re gonna meet one day angel, i promise 💓

I have a q

you know what hurts? feeling someone slowly lose interest in you. they stop asking how your day was, they don’t ask how you’re doing anymore. they don’t show much interest in the convo. it’s like they’re slowly backing out of ur life and there’s nothing u can do but keep smiling and pretend you don’t notice or that ur fine with it.


Language: English