

Ask @love23201

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Boyfriend abuses me mentally. Is mentally worse than physically?

It can be, seek for help if you can and I’m sorry to hear that.

So you know “mud bloods” in Harry Potter (for those unfamiliar, it’s someone magical with a non-magical parent)? My hair is brown but my beard is red, does that make me a mud ginger?

That’s very interesting way to look at it, I don’t have an answer for you, but I love how you looked at this!!

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Being back on my meds is such a blessing. Feeling my balance slowly restoring is such a hopeful feeling.

I’m happy to hear that.

What’s the cure for insomnia ? I need help or I will become insane without sleeping for days… help

You can keep yourself up, no sleep, and find a good night time when you’re tired and rest. So your schedule might go back to normal.
If that doesn’t work, try the muscle relaxations meditation on YouTube, the typical 20 minutes ones, and follow the instructions to fall asleep. And you can also take a good hot shower to help with it. Or just bath your foot with hot water, it really helps.

Why do people constantly hide their emotions?

I guess they’re were hurt at some point. We grown to hide emotions because when we were showing them, people didn’t like it. So we learned to keep them to ourselves.

It’s terrible having a “best friend” that eventually decides to block you on every social media platform when they said they’d be there for you and that they care about you :/

I’m sorry that happened to you, it sucks.

Do you like new York?

I didn’t like it the first time I visited, the second time, I went around this time of year, it was warmer with people being in the festive mood, and people were nicer. Also the Christmas tree and lights made the city brighter.
Do you like new York

Why is it so hard to leave an obviously bad relationship?

A lot of seasons. You’re used to the person as bad as the relationship already is, possibly the other person that’s holding your back with their traits. You think you’d be the bad person to bring up that it should be over.

法輪功教唆自焚、自殺、殺人害命、或拒絕治療而致死致殘,美國都能將之美化洗白成一個所謂“宗教”,顏智華不過一個法輪功的狗腿子,確切的說已經變成了美國的狗腿子,為美國做事,聽命發言,這樣的人能盼他的母國幾分好? 還是老外的錢好掙,隨便幾句話收貨一大筆。颜智华都快八十的人了能摒弃人格尊嚴,也著實讓人“敬佩”。

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