

Ask @luanahitchxx

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Whats your idea of romance?

My idea? You know when you get that kiss, were its so unexpected... and they tilt your head up to them smile then kiss you? and you can't help but smile whilst kissing them? Then like you pull away and just snuggle right in to their chest? and for that brief moment you felt like the only girl in the world to them? That, that's my idea of romance.
Liked by: john treckle

your single im single what are we waiting for :$

By the looks of it, we are waiting for you to tell me who you are, me to actually recover from my break up and for pigs to drop out the sky doing the shuffle.
Liked by: john treckle

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

Money problems. It makes no sense to me at all. There is more than enough money floating about.

Ahhh well don't fucking come out with it then ;) Ok ok! Right,,,,, ermmmm........ What's your all time favorite film??


Fair enough! Still wanna know :L (I love how this has turned into a reply thing now and not questions about anything :L"

I dont actually know this is why i cant answer man -.- ask me some questions ffs! :L


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