

Ask @luanahitchxx

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you was a dick in the past, your trying to be a better person and what I can tell is that thus far it's worked

Hmmm I guesss x

d'ya know what!! seeing what they said to you turned my stomach :/ if they knew you in the slightest they'd know how amazing you are, how one word from you can change my whole day, even the thought of you can make me smile, I think they don't know you at all

I admit I'm a dick and I brought it on myself but thank-you very much and it means so much x

i gots yah back, its the least i could do for that magic night that never happend.

Alexander Fleming
Fuck yea. I know right! Some people seriously have nothing better to do than sit there making false accusations about sex, I guess they just ain't getting laid :/

sorry, meant to click the notice me button so it didnt send it anon, but yes i am unawar we slept together

Alexander Fleming
I'm sorry, I just couldn't bring myself to inform you of this action that took place!

holy crap we slept ogether.... why wernt i aware of this..???? YOU ROOFIED ME!!!

Myyyyy baddd! I'm a terrible person!

id love to see you in pain! id laugh!

I'd be delighted to give you that pleasure if you would come off Anon?

you really are the worlds biggest diked tho

'You really are the worlds biggest dickhead though'
Just adding to how much of a dickhead I am.

that I appreciate more than most could comprehend, I know it can be really hard opening up to someone, & I care about you so so so much it's unreal, I love you Luana Hitchen <3

I love you too babe!!! <3

so every time you have said i love you sober you have meant it?

Yes at the time I will have meant it. You can love someone in many different ways. If I have ever said sober to someones face that I love them then I did/do.

have you ever said 'i love you' to someones face and not meant it?

I have drunk? never sober though :)

the very same <3

I tell you more than most :) I love you veryveryVERY much I'm just not ready to open up about everything to anyone just yet but I promise when I know the times right I'll come running :) <3

I'm not telling/asking you to open up to me so to speak just putting it across that I hope one day I can build up enough trust in you for you to feel able to open up to me about anything <3

Leon? <3

What do you think a soulmate is?

A soul mate?
Erm well I think a soul mate isn't someone you are just with, It's someone who when you are with them you feel on top of the world, like nothing and nobody can touch you. It's a friend who doesn't change you to make you a better person, but opens your eyes to how much of a better person you could be. Someone who loves everyone of your perfections and flaws unconditional. Someone who will be there day and night even when you don't want to. Someone who when you look in their eyes you just automaticly feel accepted and safe. Someone who all they have to do is hug you and your automaticly better, and a kiss just blows you away. I guess a soul mate isn't your partner, nor your best friend, It's both of them in one and you don't just love them, you are 100% completely madly head over heals in love with them, with your mind, body and soul :)

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if you could would you take back all the bad things you have done to people?

Yes, off course I would, but the world doesn't work like that.

how many people have you opened up to fully?

Fully? None. I don't think anyone would understand tbh.

you dont strick me as a cheesy kind of person

I can be if I think someone needs the confidence boost :)

what is the cheesiest thing you have ever said to someone?

'When you wake up, look in the mirror because everyone deserves to see something beautiful in the morning' ... I know, cheese, but hey ho.

I don't believe that for a second, you happen to be the cause for most of my best days :P <3

Awww that means so much :') <3

you know what I'd say to someone on a bad day? having Luana as a friend, knowing that there is someone that so genuinely incredible in your life should brighten even the darkest day!!

I cause the bad days and i likeeee itttt ♥

yano what I've realized no matter what I'm doing how busy or fun your always on my mind.. <3

Awww love you ♥

Omg Luana! shagging Alex and Adam and you didn't tell me :'( </3 dafuq thought we were friends hon! xxxxxxxx

Gemma Louise Hamill
Sorry i am a bad person! I dont even remember... other peoople do tho its a bad time! Forgive me xxxxxxxxx
Liked by: itsjustshan.

what advice would you give to someone having a bad day?

A bad day? Okay lets see... Lift your head up, smile and hope and pray for a better day. Everyone has them days which are just terrible but remember everyone is beautiful inside and out. Every single person has something to live for... everyone. Everyone has one thing to smile about, may it be their health, their life, their family, their friends or just their belief :) Today might be a bad day but I promise great days will come :)

i know someone who loves you

Listen, There is an ex or two I will always care for! But I don't want them back nor do they want me. If you're going to hide on Anon that is fine by me but please don't say shit that people know isn't true. Now give up.

Which websites do you visit every day?

Twitter, Facebook, Conor maynard official, Youtube and Ask.fm :)

did you go darwen live yesterday?

Yea walked all way there in the pissing rain hungover -.- But was worth it to see 'shadow play' <3


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