
Luis Zúñiga

Ask @luispanque

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Bro échale ganas deja tus tonterías, todo lo que haces no te satisface, desde muy pequeño te dañaron robaron tu inocencia pero échale ganas busca ayuda, tu vida está en peligro, quédate con tu jefa,cuida de ella


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Someone you wanna meet right now or someone you miss right now?

I been missing somebody for 2 years almost, but that person is living good, so I'm happy with that
Someone you wanna meet right now or someone you miss right now

What is the worst thing that can happen on a Monday morning?

Perder mi vuelo a México? Espero y no, vuelo en 5 horas y ojalá todo salga bien

Do you have a crush on someone?

I have a crush on death, i wanna leave this life so bad
Estoy enamorado de la muerte, quiero dejar esta vida pero ya

What did You learn today?

I learned that I don't deserve her
And honestly I'm seriously thinking about leave this pathetic life, you know what I mean, every fucking day is the same, I just can't forget about her

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Purple because I like to listen to synthwave
If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself which

May real men cry?

I'm the kind of guy
Who never used to cry
The world is treatin' me bad, misery
I've lost her now for sure
I won't see her no more
It's gonna be a drag, misery
I'll remember all the little things we've done
Can't she see she'll always be the only one, only one
Send her back to me
'Cause everyone can see
Without her I will be in misery
Liked by: Jerusalem García

Tengo curiosidad si sigues siendo el mismo de antes (obviamente todos cambiamos) pero quiero saber si cambiaste o simplemente es tu rebeldía.

No se si he cambiado y no se a que te refieres con rebeldía, que cambio esperabas tu de mi?

¿Con cuánta frecuencia piensas en tu futuro?

Honestamente, todo el tiempo, y no solo en lo que haré, si no el tiempo, le temo al tiempo, no tengo el suficiente para hacer todo lo que quiero hacer, tengo una lista interminable de cosas por hacer

What is the best way to learn a foreign language? Do you speak any?

I'm still learning English, and I talk with friends


Language: English