
luna siagian

kak, akhir2 ini cowoku selalu ejakulasi dini tiap kita having sex. baru masuk bentar udah crott terus lgsg lemes. ada tips biar cowoku ga ejakulasi dini ga ka? aku kan maunya sampe puas padahal.

omg gurl/boi.
get him to, like, workout or something. or masturbate a lot. or, i dunno, pray???
see, boys, there's more to sex than just big dicks.

Latest answers from luna siagian

What is your perfect Sunday morning?

Dalam sebulan ini sudah mengalami radang tenggorokan lalu dilanjutkan dengan tifus lalu radang tenggorokan lagi sekarang.
Mau diapain juga gak bakal gue mengalami perfect Sunday morning hari ini ?

ka ku diajak cowoku ke hotel,ktnya dy minta cium+nyusu y aku iyain. tp pas kita udh telanjang,dy mksa ml msuk"in pnyanya ke vaginaku,aku nangis" aku blg aku msh perawan aku gmw. akhirnya dy ga tega dan g jd.tp skrg dy minta ml lg,aku jg sbnernya pgn tp tkt tp wlwpun dy blg mau tnggng jwb ku hrs gmn

Ya Allah.

Hai, Luna, apa kabar? Beberapa orang menanyakan kabarmu belakangan ini ? Tapi belakangan jarang kelihatan di kampus.

Not very well, nonny. Not very well.
Being physically exhausted at all times without doing much feels like the worst kind of hell.

hi, do you have any plan to have biological children in the future? if so, why? i always assumed i'd have one and i'd be glad if i do, but seeing people nowadays sneer at the idea of adding more people to the overpopulated world and deem it as a selfish act, i'm looking for things to consider.

I am easily seduced, Nonny.
Sometimes I see life through rose-tinted glass and, boy, do I want to marry a man and have kids with him. Be the homemaker and all the responsibilities that entail.
But most of the times I don't.
What sticks, though, through the fluctuative nature of my imagination is my desire to have offspring; be they biological or adopted.
I suppose, in the grand scheme of things, considering there are so many unwanted children living in the streets that my selfish nature to reproduce must take a step back. The love of humanity and the understanding that all lives are valuable must be my guiding principles. And thus, adoption seems like the more feasible option to me personally.
Considering the current statistics, I highly suggest taking the path of adoption. Not all women are biologically wired to give birth. Not all women are emotionally or financially capable of raising children. If you somehow have the luxury and the desire to give birth to a child, perhaps consider other factors that comes into play. In the end, though, it's your life, nonny.
Live as you must.

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Kamu tuh kalo mainan ask.fm down to earth banget si ?

Rio_damar’s Profile PhotoRio Damar
Lebih enak menjadi komentator sosial buat diri sendiri, soalnya, ketimbang komentator buat kehidupan orang lain. I find self-deprecating humour to be the best kind of humour.
Omong-omong, aku kangen ?

kak wdyta mas @kiswinar yang merupakan saudara sebapak kak @audreyteguh tapi nggak dianggap? kok bisa gitu ya pak mario teguh nggak menganggap anaknya sendiri?

Maaf terlambat. Isu tidak lagi panas sehingga pertanyaan ini tidak dapat difungsikan sebagai penambah followers.
Tapi yah, begitulah. Dia bisa memberimu petuah-petuah manis yang kadang terlalu berat untuk dijalani sendiri. The downside of being a motivator, I suppose.
Yah, terkadang memang sometimes.

Dear Anon, melindungi hak orang yg berpaham komunis bukan berarti dia komunis

Sepercik kewarasan hari ini.
Terima kasih, Nonny. You've made my day ?✨

Language: English