What do you do when you can’t sleep? May 30, 2022 Count or cuddle my husband. If that doesn’t work, melatonin.
How do you deal with your anxiety? May 30, 2022 Take photos, draw, sing, dance spend some quality time with my husband.
Choose: Burn the roof of your mouth or get a papercut on your finger? June 14, 2020 Paper cut on my finger
Would you choose to forget your past if you had the choice? Why/why not? June 07, 2020 It’s a hit and miss. There’s some points where I wish I could forget and some points that I want to remember.
What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week? Socials: @kristinaroseofficial June 06, 2020
Most important in a date: Intelligent or Funny? June 05, 2020 For me, funny because it shows there playful side. ❤️
Any ideas on wtf I can do in quarantine ? 🥺😏 help ! James ✔ June 04, 2020 Play video games, watch movies, read a book, dance around the house to music! ❤️
Dedicate a song to your crush and tag them if you're brave! May 12, 2020 He doesn’t have ASKFM but..Out Of My Heart - Jerrod Niemann
Has the snow all been melted in your area yet a.n.c April 22, 2020 Almost. Depends on the area of the city. Liked by: a.n.c
Has anyone in your life ever betrayed you? April 15, 2020 Yup. I’m no longer friends with any of them!
How to protect yourself from the virus? #StayAtASK April 13, 2020 Stay home. If you can’t practice safe distancing.
Do u feel sorry for girls in edmonton for boyfriend taste choices? April 11, 2020 Sometimes. Depends on the girl and depends on the guy. Though, if they are happy together. Let them be.
Do you have any posters on your bedroom wall? What are they? ASKfm April 11, 2020 Nope. I don’t have any posters on my wall.
How many pets do you have and what kind? April 11, 2020 I don’t have any pets, currently. I want a kitty though.