
Martijn Zandvliet

can and how do you use keyboard controls

Mouse/Keyboard controls are now the default in Volo Airsport v3. You can also go to the input configuration screen to map any keyboard button to any action you like, whether it's switching cameras or pitching up/down.
It's not possible to use the keyboard in the older versions, unfortunately.
If you already knew all this, and you're actually experiencing a bug, let me know!

Latest answers from Martijn Zandvliet

Is Volo Airsport still in development? It looks interesting, and I almost bought the Early Access version on Steam already, but then noticed there haven't been any updates on Steam or your blog for over ten weeks, and having been burned by abandoned projects in the past, this seems sadly familiar.

Still in development, and v3.5 is nearly out! You can play test version of it right now on steam, and read changelog and reactions here: http://forum.volo-airsport.com/t/volo-v3-5-test-version/
We're on the job, we've just been so busy we neglected to post development news on the blog. :)

can you give me link to download to volo airsoprt for free?

Short answer: no. Long answer: only if you're a reviewer/youtuber of have a very special reason. Sorry, gotta eat. :)
We don't have a demo yet, but you can still download Volo Airsport v2, an old prototype of the game here: http://blog.volo-airsport.com/download/

Do you like sword-fighting by any chance?

I don't know much about it, and I've only ever wielded toy swords, but I do like the idea of sword fighting. I'm in a kickboxing class, and err, I play various fighting games, so I get the appeal. Sword fighting would certainly be an interesting thing to try, but it's probably more difficult to find a place to learn it at.
Anyway, why do you ask? :)

hi!! i'm french so excuse me please for my english. i like very well your simulation and i wait for the next updates!! i have one idea to add for the next next update: a "ghost" mod but not really. we could fly near the ghost on a new flight to do a movie like in real flight. so flight on formation

Replays and ghost recordings are on our todo list for sure! We'll work on online multiplayer first, since a lot of things we need to do for multiplayer will make it easier to add a replay system.
Oh, and your English is fine! Don't worry about it. :)

Would it be possible to have older versions as a beta option on steam?

Technically we could do this, but it would quickly go out of hand. We would need to make a new branch for each new version, and aside from that being impractical I don't think Steam will let us make endless branches. If you've bought the game through Humble you could keep your old downloads, so that would be the best way to do this right now.
That said, there is some merit in having old versions accessible. We have all the previous releases stored here internally, we'd just need a better way to make them available. So if there's enough need, we could see what we can do about this. Which leads me to ask:
Is there a particular previous release you're looking for, and why? If you need it fast, just send me an email and I can send it to you immediately.

Scratch my last question just found it in an old email address! CANT WAIT!

Glad you were able to sort it out! Happy flying!

HI Martijn, I'm an early fan as I purchased the game years ago, do you know when you'll release a linux version ? I'm waiting for it ^^ Thanks !

It looks like the most important problems (shader and plugin compatibility) have been sorted and we can roll out a version of v3.4 for Linux soon. We need to go through a round of testing first, which we'll do through Steam.
News on this very soon!

will you add explosions?

Non-playable explosions might make it into the game, but playable explosions are outside the scope of the design.

Language: English