
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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There is a modern term called "religious nut", what is your opinion on this term and people that are associated with it?

"Invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom, and good reminder."
i.e., don't be a nutcase.

As salam alkyum, do we have free will in Islam, meaning Allah wrote what deeds and sins we do, so how can we change our sins if they are written already? And the same for the good deeds how would we do more of it is written? In his qadr. Jazak


كيف يتصرف المسلمون في كندا و الغرب عموما في موضوع الصلوات ، يعني هل ينفع تسيب الشغل و تنزل تصلي و لا الناس هناك بتعمل ايه؟

تحت قانون حقوق الإنسان في أونتاريو، يمنع صاحب العمل من:
رفض إعطاء رخصة من الزي الرسمي للموظفين الذين يرتدون ملابس دينية
رفض السماح للموظفين بأخذ استراحات للصلاة خلال اليوم
رفض السماح للموظفين بأخذ أجازة في العطل الدينية

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يا رب تكون بخير يا مولانا :) إمرأة لا تعلم هل قضت ما عليها من رمضان الماضى أم لا !، فتريد أن تصوم الإثنين و الخميس بنية لو لم تقضى فهو قضاء و إن كانت قد قضت فهو صيام عادى .. هل يجوز ؟

تبني على اليقين، وتصوم بنية قضاء الفرض حتى تتيقن انه لم يتبق في ذمتها قضاء، ولا يجزئ الشك ولا الجمع ولا التفويض في نية الفريضة، والله أعلم.

ممكن حضرتك تدعي لي وتنشر طلبي للدعاء لي بالزوجه الصالحه والذريه الصالحه والرزق الحلال وحسن الخاتمه؟

اللهم ارزقه سؤله آمين

Is it permissible for women to read Quran while on their menstrual cycle?

However, if she worries about forgetting her memorization, can hold a mus.haf without direct contact (or a Quran app on a screen), she can read with her eyes only (without moving her lips), and she can revise it in her heart.
It's important for sisters to remind themselves that following an obligation and staying away from a prohibition = have the same reward. A woman who is not praying an obligatory prayer when she's in menstruation, nor fasting, nor reading the Quran, nor entering mosques, - out of submission to Allah - gets the same reward of the woman who do all these things when she's not in her menstruation.

Asalamu alaikum. I have a beloved friend who has started to study under aggressive (intolerant) Ashaaries. I know most scholars are advising staying away from the Salafi/Ashaary debate, but I fear for my friend. This group seem to carry a lot of hatred for Salafis. Any advice?

To you or him?

هل يوجد شرح لمصطلح الحديث على اليوتيوب للمبتدئين ( لا أنوي التخصص )

اعذرني لأني لا أعلم شيئا عن هذا؛ لم استخدم اليوتيوب في طلب العلم أبدا، وليس عندي وقت في استخدام الحاسب في غير العمل إلا نادرا. "ثم أنا معنديش تلفزيون 😃."
إسأل @Abufhr او @khbahaa

As salam alkyum, I was in a mosque in Ottawa. And they pray Asr- at 6;30 one hr after azan, and they pray isha 20 mins before azan at ,l10 o'clock. This was the Jami omar mosque, I was wondering how come it is like this? Most mosques are different, I was wondering how. Come. Jazak.

They follow their hanafi matthab in calculating Asr. They follow the mainstream opinion in calculating Isha (everyone else does the opposite). Point is, they're both correct.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته :)

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته، أتيتم اهلا ونزلتم سهلا وجلستم مرحبا، وطبتم منزلا وطاب ممشاكم مهدا وتبوأتم من الجنة منزلا، وكل من حضر وقرأ أبدا.

هو موضوع تبرج الحجاب مفيش انكار كبير عليه ليه .؟؟ يعني موجة التغريب في اللبس زي مثلا الطرحة اللي يادوبك بتغطي الشعر ومش مغطية الصدر او البنطلون للنساء او اللبس الضيق وخصوصا في الصيف او المنتقبة اللي بتغطي يدوبك وشها بدون خمار طويل هي الحاجات ديه حلال وحجاب شرعي ؟؟ وكتير منهم نساء التيار الاسلامي

طيب بالنيابة عن علماء الأمة أنا أشجب وأدين وأستنكر.
هل ستحل المشكلة الآن؟ بالطبع لا، هذه ليست مشكلة بحد ذاتها، إنما أعراض سطحية لمشاكل أعمق. بالطبع يمكن معالجة المشكلة السطحية بالإنكار أو العقاب المباشر. لكن المشاكل الكبرى كضعف الإيمان، وضياع البوصلة، واختلال الهوية، وغياب المجتمع المتكاتف، والهزيمة الثقافية والسياسية والاقتصادية والتقنية التي نعيشها، إلخ... وهذه امور تحتاج الوعظ، والوعد والوعيد، والتذكير بالآخرة، والدعوة إلى الله بالحسنى، والصحبة الصالحة، وخدمة المسلمين، وخدمة أهل العلم، وتذاكر سيرة النبي عليه السلام، ومدارسة سير الصالحين، والدعاء، وغيرها من الوسائل.
أما الإنكار على ضعف الإنكار وقلته، والشكوى من قلة المصلحين وكفاءتهم، ولوم الهمم الضعيفة والمخاطر الكبيرة، فهذا كله من جلد الذات الذي فاق حده كثيرا وينبغي أن نسيطر عليه بتخفيفه.

What should one do on shab-e-baraat?

I tell my students I don't answer any questions on the night before the final exam. You had all year to learn, now it's time to practice.
For future reference, here's a suggested annual planner:
Every month of the Islamic calendar: read about the merits of the following month, take advantage of all opportunities of goodness in the month, review the performance in the previous month
Jumada I-II: Put your plan for the following twelve months of worship, particularly the following seven consecutive months: Rajab, Shabaan, Ramadan, Shawwal, Thu alqi'da, Thu alhijja and Muharram.
Rajab: Get ready for Ramadan plan.
Shabaan: Set on Ramadan plan, following the whole plan as practice.
Ramadan: Full spiritual speed.
Shawwal: Don't break, plan for pilgrimage (plan for at least one of three: Hajj, Umrah, ten days of thu alhijja).
Thu alqi'da: Set on pilgrimage plan
Thu alhijja: Full spiritual strength.
Muharram: An extra push.
Sufar: Cooling off.
Rabee I-II: Evaluation, auditing the past 12 months, conclusions.

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Which school has a better IB program in Ottawa? Colonel By or Ashbury College? In your opinion

I don't know. Share your findings with me please.

Did you do the IB program?

yes, although I did it at a Pearson College, which is a UWC, which is basically IB on cocaine.

السلام عليكم، بحث مهم يقال فيه ان بعض كبار العلماء من السلف من حرم وذم التقليد وقالوا ان على العامي ان يطلب الدليل مع الفتوى ** انا اطلب الحق والمصلحه ولم اراسلك لجدل وتضييع وقت** http://www.ahlalhdeeth.com/vb/showthread.php?t=29387

جزاك الله خيرا، بحث جيد ونافع بوركت.
لكن فيه مغالطتان:
١. تأويل كلام المخالفين على غير مرادهم، أو أخذه على غير قواعدهم.
٢. تسوية الطرفين، فيأتي ثلاثة من هذا الطرف وثلاثة من هذاك، وكأن الخلاف مستوٍ، وهذه اغلوطة مشهورة جدا. ولو كان التوزيع عادلا لوجدت تسعة نقول هنا مقابل نقل هناك.

An interesting counter argument to the previous questions' logic is that when a layman visits a doctor he just tells him the symptoms, the doctor does his work and gives him the prescription or procedure. Seldom someone asks for how he reached the conclusion. And if he did he will understand nothing

Jazakom Allah Khayran. Imam Ibn Aqeel rahimahullah says this exact example then follows with a stronger conclusion. He says if I interfere with the his work and challenge his conclusion he'll say how dare you? And all it would take me is a few years to learn everything he learnt. Yet, he thinks it is easy to challenge my fatwa or that of the scholars, and it would take him decades to learn what we learnt.

Assalamualikum akh, I forgot to give Salam earlier n I apologise for that. And to note, Ive nvr asked u any questions on here and I most certainly have nothing against u, so pls don't get offended by my words, they were only advice.

wa alaikum assalam my dear brother, no worries, no offence at all. On the contrary I was glad you came to offer advice, I truly appreciate it.

I understand ur point akh, and again I apologise, as I hav no true knowledge. But amidst so many sholars of tday and so much bidah.. its hard to trust jst anyone. Jazakallah khayr

It is hard to find a trustworthy Muslim scholars, also there are so many unprofessional physicians, careless engineers and immoral lawyers. That's doesn't stop us to seek experts in these fields when we need one. Solution? Proceed with caution, double check and peer review. You'll find a set of scholars that you can reasonably trust on different issues.

proofs, correct? Yes laymen are laymen, but we will not follow anything blindly(such as hw u r suggesting we should) In a world where there are 5billion scholars who all hold different views and opinions abt certain matters, the layman must search carefully for the truth.

Look akhi, I understand this is sensitive and important to you. Here are the facts:
1. The vast majority of the scholars, since the time of the companions, did not mention a proof when giving a fatwa. Read a few thousand fatwas from the first three centuries of Islam and tell me how many proofs you found mentioned in any of the answers. Read if you like, Muwatta' Imam Malik, Masaa'il Imam Ahmed, Musannaf Abi Shaybah and Abdirrazzack.
2. Giving the proof to a layman can have all five rulings: from prohibited to mandatory. Yes scholars have explicitly stated that sometimes giving proof in certain cases is prohibited. For example, you ask me, I answer you, you ask what's the proof. I tell you, you don't understand how the proof is relevant, so in your heart you discard the proof and the answer altogether, and you don't realise this answer has a status of consensus. => Knowing the proof has made you - unknowingly - reject a consensus of the Muslims, which is a major sin. Fiqh scholars aren't search engines or wikipedias, spitting up information upon request. They are physicians for your religion, psychiatrists for your faith, engineers for your problems of halal and police for your attempts of haram. The answer must be designed to suit the asker's personality and intention. In many cases, saying the proof won't matter.
3. Even if I give the proof, 9 out of 10 times, you won't understand the proof. There's a dozen sources of proofs in Islam other than Quran and Sunnah, and so I'd have to explain to you how is that a proof, and what's istihsan or istishab, etc. Then I'll have to explain to you whether it's general or specific, what is the original context and relational context, abrogation, conflict, and so on. Then I'll give you the proofs of the opposite opinion, their context, methods of reduction, limitations, boundaries, and why they are falling short of incorporating my proofs. When I finish, you are still a follower to my conclusion, not the proof.

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2. As for your answer below where u said one need not ask for proofs bcus all we have to do is ask anyone knowledgeable- so in your opinion it is okay to ask a Sufi/Shia trusted scholar regarding a matter and obey their fatwa bcus there is absolutely no reason why we should ask for any of their pro

I said, Laymen should ask people whom they trust their knowledge and integrity. You must fully believe that the person whom you're asking is practising the knowledge they have to the best of their ability: that's integrity.

Some words of advice-1. It doesn't befit a knowledgeable person such as yourself, to be so sarcastic and rude when answering questions. It makes one look both arrogant and ignorant.

jazakom Allah kher for your advice.
As for myself, I know that it is not befitting for something like me to be considered asking people of knowledge. Had it not been for the mercy and concealing of Allah upon me, people would have spat on my face in the streets. May Allah grant us forgiveness.
However, when someone assumes I knowledge in me, it is my duty to give that position its due right. Knowledge is a heavily fortified fortress, and the salaf never opened it except to those who entered from the doors of manners. People who didn't show basic manners deserved no knowledge. This was the principle of the most pious Muslims throughout the centuries, from companions like Umar, Ali and Ibn Masoud, to followers like AlHassan and Muqatil and Mujahid, to Imams like Malik and Shafi'i, and countless more. We can't say their way was a way of arrogance or ignorance. Scholars aren't some fools who give the most valuable knowledge on earth to anyone who passes by. Their response was according to the manners of the asking person.
I don't know you and you're anonymous so this isn't a personal attack, but just to give you a simple live example: you came with advice but didn't start with salaam, and the opinions of the salaf on people who ask without salaam are too harsh to mention here, the least of which is to completely ignore the person, some went to the extent of kicking that person out of the lecture, whether it was at home or even a Masjid.
Again, thank you for the time to write this, and I hope if we all read a bit about our own religion and biographies of our salaf before passing judgement on people. Again, please don't take my words personally, I'm sure you meant nothing but goodness. I just wanted to remind you that we all have a lot to learn. May Allah guide us to goodness.

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As salam alkyum, is it true if I do wrong to someone or make fun of, on the day of judgement they will ask Allah for some of my deeds because I mistreated them, Muslim or not?

Yes mostly, so be very careful. A true loser is someone who makes good deeds and gifts them to their enemies. May Allah protect us.

As salam alkyum, what is the ayat or hadith saying that Allah showers one percent of mercy on us and 99% in day judgement? Or something along these lines jazak.

hadeeth, Sahih Bukhari, section: Allah's mercy is one hundred parts. Google it or use searchtruth.com


Language: English