
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Why is it memorising the quran by myself is a bad idea if i'm young?

The younger you are, the less self discipline you have, the more vulnerable you are to misunderstanding, the more mentorship you need.
Liked by: لؤلؤه

Shekh, how can I improve my English, I tried many time but I couldn't find anyone to talk with him/her I'm very sad 😢

I think it's the him/her part that is making it difficult for you ☺
Liked by: لؤلؤه

Ibn Hibban: “The noble does not hurt the wise, he does not joke with the stupid & he does not mingle with the sinner.” [Ar Rawdhah, p.173]

Nobility died long time ago.

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Ibn Hazm رحمه الله “Perhaps one hour of neglect may destroy a years worth of pious effort!” [al-Akhlaq wa-Siyar pg14]

And perhaps one hour of piety can wash away years of ignorance. ❤
Liked by: Man sur Amr Ahmed

Bishr ibn al-Harith said: ﴿ما اتقى الله من أحب الشهرة.﴾ ❝Whoever loves fame does not fear Allaah.❞ [Seera Aa’laam, (11/216) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath al-Anbiyya]

Yes. By Allah, whoever loves fame has lost half of their deen.
The Prophet said: "Two hungry wolves let loose among sheep are not more harmful to them than craving wealth and status (e.g. fame) for someone's Deen."

Ibn al-Qayyim [رحمه الله] said: ❝Having the correct understanding of the Deen is light which Allaah throws into the heart of the slave of Allaah, which is increased by having the Taqwa of Allaah and having good intent.❞ [Ilaam al-Muaq'een, (1/69) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath al-Anbiyya]


Ibraaheem ibn Maysarah said: “Whoever honours an innovator has aided in the destruction of Islaam.” [Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, 1/139]

Barakallahu feekum.
Just to avoid misunderstanding by our young brother and sisters. The quote and its likes are in the context of honouring innovators for their innovation; for the Salaf, the companions and the Prophet himself have honoured many polytheists, Christians and Jews in other contexts such as connecting family ties, calling to Islam and others.

What one thing have you spent the most money on?

I'd say, without hesitation or regrets: FOOD. 😂

male masseuse only administrating to same sex permissible? Limits of awrah? best to avoid this career?

Yes, navel to knee is the awrah. What's prohibited to look at is more prohibited to touch.
No, the best is not necessarily to avoid this career. Someone needs to do it, and it is especially needed in sexist western societies that objectify women; where you can't find male masseuses, dental hygienists, nurses and similar careers of personal service.

هل يصح اشتراط عدم التوارث بين الزوجين في عقد الزواج .. وإذا تم الاتفاق على ألا يرث كل منهما الآخر ، ما صحة العقد في هذه الحالة ؟

العقد صحيح لأن الإرث ليس من صميمه، والشرط باطل لأن لا يجوز إسقاط الإرث المنصوص ولو بالإتفاق.

﴿ فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَكُن مِّنَ السَّاجِدِينَ ﴾ بارك الله فيك

وفيكم نعم عفوا على الخطأ.

I struggle to stand in prayer 😭😩. Please help me. I try but I can't focus and my mind wanders. HELP

Prepare for your prayer like you prepare for a midterm. Read at least one page of Quran before you start to pray. Remain seated after you pray until you make every duaa in your mind, regardless how busy you are. Especially when you're busy. God says "Whoever glorifies the rituals of God's, it is indeed a sign of piety of the hearts."
Liked by: AYSHA.

Was Eesa (AS) brown skinned? Please provide proof if possible. I have seen contradicting hadiths

Will the answer ever benefit you in any way in this life or the hereafter?
Look up the bio of Ibn Masoud Ath-Thaqafi.

How should I deal with gay neighbors or friends?

Just like you deal with your straight neighbour.
Why would you expect mercy and forgiveness from God regardless how much you've sinned right under His watch, if you do not do the same to others around you?
Your actions speak of your own morals, not of other people's.

ازاى الواحد يبقى مبسوط من قلبه مهما كانت الظروف الى حاوليه !!

في نوع مخدرات اسمه إل اس دي، تلاقيه عند عبدو في إمبابة ورا المسرح.
ولو معندكش فلوس ممكن تستأصل عقلك وتبيعه عند الجماعة السودانيين في أسوان بتوع تجارة الأعضاء البشرية، وتقعد تتفرج على قناة الفراعين بكل سرور.
بعيدا عن الهزار
بص يا سيدي الفاضل، رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، قدوتي وقدوتك، وخير من وطئ الثرى وأظلته الثريا، كاد قلبه ينخلع من صدره من شدة الأسى على قومه، ولم يزل ربنا ينزل عليه قرآنا منذ أول البعثة حتى آخرها ليخفف عنه من كربه وحزنه وأسفه على الناس فيقول سبحانه في سورة النحل:
ولا تحزن عليهم ولا تك في ضيق مما يمكرون
ويقول في سورة الحجر:
ولقد نعلم أنك يضيق صدرك بما يقولون فسبح بحمد ربك وكن من الشاكرين واعبد ربك حتى يأتيك اليقين
سورة الكهف:
فلعلك باخع نفسك على آثارهم إن لم يؤمنوا بهذا الحديث أسفا
ويقول في سورة الشعراء:
لعلك باخع نفسك ألا يكونوا مؤمنين
يعني مهلك نفسك حزنا وأسفا عليهم إن لم يكونوا مؤمنين.
وهو صلوات ربي وسلامه عليه الذي روي عنه أنه قال: من لم يهتم لأمر المسلمين فليس منهم.
وليس مطلوبا شرعا أن يكون المرء حزينا كئيبا طوال الوقت يلطم على حاله وحال إخوانه دون فعل، ولا سعيدا مبتسما مسرورا طوال الوقت يستحسن القبيح ويضحك عند موت الأحبة كالمجنون، ولكن ليوازن، وليتجنب كثرة المزاح والضحك واللهو، وليعلم أن هذه الحياة الدنيا ليست دار راحة واستمتاع، فليتزود ما استطاع للآخرة، وليخفف عن نفسه كلما احتاج إلى ذلك بقدره.

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ماهي الكلمة اﻹنجليزية المناسبة بلفط التراث الإسلامي

حسب السياق، لو عني كتب التراث فالترجمة
Islamic traditions
أما لو قصد الموروث الحضاري إجمالا
Islamic heritage
ولفط بالدارجة العراقية تعني الأكل بشراهة، فتكون عبارتك
Inhaling Islamic traditions
بالهنا والشفا 😀

Why is it that sometimes you marry someone after being sure and praying Istikhara and still the marriage breaks?

It could've been that you didn't make sure they're the right spouse for you in the first place, or
It could've been that they were the right spouse for you, but you were consistently ungrateful and unappreciative to this new blessing and hence lost eligibility for it, or
It could've been that they were the right spouse and you were grateful and appreciative, but there was a life lesson, or a greater good that awaited you until after that marriage was over.
The Messenger of God said: "Do not say 'had it been so and so' because that opens the door for the devil, but rather say 'iy is the decree of God, and whatever He willed, He did.'"
Liked by: Kashif Raza

أي ترجمة انجليزية للقرآن الكريم تفضل؟ جزاكم الله خيرا

ما من ترجمة أقرؤها إلا وفي نفسي شيء، بل أشياء، من اختيارات الألفاظ والبناء اللغوي.
زرت قبل أيام أخا فاضلا من تركيا في منزله فأتى بمكعبات خشبية عليها حروف عربية ليلعب إلياس بها ووضعها على الطاولة. فأخذ إلياس المكعبات ووضعها على الأرض ليلعب، قام الرجل مسرعا من مكانه وقال لإلياس لا يا حبيبي هذه حروف العربية أنزل الله بها القرآن، نحن لا نضعها على الأرض.
إحمد الله أنك تقرأ القرآن بالعربية، فهناك مئات الملايين من المسلمين من يتمنى ذلك ولا يستطيعه.

can you reject a pious proposal from a women? There is a hadeeth that mentions rejecting a pious proposal from a man results to mischief in the land but does this apply to men rejecting one from a women?

While the hadeeth isn't authentic, it's a rare opportunity to find a proposal from a righteous man in this era. it's even more rare to find a proposal from a righteous woman. Some opportunities are actually once in a lifetime so think twice before you reject them.
Liked by: Mohamed Shawky


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