
Majed Jarrar

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اما بكون فى كرب بفضل احافظ على الصلاة واقرأ قرأن وقيام وادعى كتير واما يفك الله الكرب ارجع اسوء مالاول الكرب المرة دى زاد وطول اوى والحمد لله اللى صبرنى وفك عنى الكرب انا شيطانى بيوسوسنى الان لفعل الغلط والحرام تانى انا مش عاوز ارجع للحرام تانى الحقنى قولى اللى يلمنى ويربينى.

استمع لهذا

سؤال ممكن يكون تافه . . انا بلاقي اوقات في الغرفة حشرة غريبة دخلت وببقى مش مطمن لها حتى لو كانت في حالها ( الانسان عدو ما يجهل ) . . هل في اثم علي لو ( زي ما بعمل ) قتلتها ؟

مش تافه أبدا، وليس هناك إثم، لكن تذكر أننا كلنا آيلون إلى تراب، ويوما ما ستمشي هذه الحشرات بين عظام صدرك، فهوّن عليك، ولا تتعرض لها بسوء ما دامت غير مؤذية.

هل الخطوط الموجودة في المسجد لتسوية الصف بدعة ؟

لا، تحتاج أن تتعلم معنى البدعة وإطلاقاتها وضوابطها واستثناءاتها

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I'm going to take the Toefl and the IELTS,do you have any advices for me?and also if you know any websites that can help me for preparing this exams. (what is better to take:TOEFL or İELTS ?) Jazaka ALLAHO khairan

Both are equally terrible, greedy organizations that make millions of dollars in profit from unemployed and disadvantaged people.

Surah Al Nahl,Aya 71 Is Allah saying don't give the poor? And do you know any resource from which I can get answers to these shubuhat,sheikh?

No it has nothing to do with that. Find a teacher to learn Quran with.

بشمهندس لو سمحت انا بدخل نت من الموبايل عادى بس مش عايز يدخل عالفيس دلوقت بيقولى not supported أعمل ايه؟ مع انه كان بيدخل عادى قبل كده

جربت تعمل ريستارت؟

thank you my brother..but i'm embarrassed to tell you that i'm 39 years ..in fact I started learning english acadimically 1 year ago at the amideast in Egypt..my goal is to teach english for adults ..really the most thing I need is to pronounce fluently as natives

Nothing is impossible, brother. I'll be praying for you
Liked by: ahmedibrahimdiab

but why ten years to fluent english..give me hope

I assume you're already above twenty years of age. Your brain is already significantly slower to adapt to a new language now than when you were, say, seven.
Start now, if you learn English for just three years in your twenties you'll improve your English way better than starting in your thirties and learning it for five years.
Liked by: ahmedibrahimdiab

JzakAllah Khair for the reply. You mentioned that what I did "causes much harm to my life and afterlife". Is that still the case (harm in my afterlife) if I repented and uphold the 3 mentioned conditions? I plan on staying at the job as I am capable of doing the job to its fullest Allhamdulillah

May Allah accept your repentance. There should be no harm.
Liked by: Kobefan

Please answer about the money from goverment. I swear its impossible to improve my grades if i work at fulltime. My intention is to get part-time. If i make tawbah for my previous actions and fullfill every criteria but know that i will not get any job for part-time...is the money halal then?

No need to swear my brother. Millions of people have worked full time and improved their grades. There are single black mothers who have worked full time jobs, lived through all kinds of racism and hardship, while taking care of their children and studying for adult high-school and still got excellent grades. Are you trying to tell me that your life is more difficult than them?!
If you are in your teens and already trying to cut corners and living life the easy way, you will never smell success. You must tire yourself, every single day, work sleepless nights, and stop complaining before you can achieve anything. Do you think someone can reach the mountain top without bothering to climb?
Put school aside, neither highschool nor university will teach you how to be a good person. Focus on working hard, build a good hard-working personality. Learn to stop complaining, look often at those who are less fortunate than you, and think daily about them, be grateful to Allah and show gratefulness for the abundance of blessings you have. Make money and use some of it to help those who need it around you. You will achieve more success in your life doing this, than framing diplomas on your wall from the top universities of the world.

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The person who asked about making late deadline for welfare...etc, are you pardoned for it if you did not know the shariah ruling about it? For instance if anybody was jahil about the matter?

Do you think it is possible for anyone to not know that dishonesty is sinful?

كيف أتعلم الإنجليزية نطقا كأهلها وكتابة ؟ لأني تركتها منذ تخرجي من قرابة ال10 سنوات

مش مستحيل، لكن حتحتاج عشر سنين تتكلم فيها يوميا مع مدرس جيد
Liked by: ahmedibrahimdiab

Whilst studying Kitab al-Buyu sometimes I find myself struggling between remembering the actually terminologies of different transactions in Arabic and the concept. Is there a book in English you would recommend that I can read in English to read about Buyu just for the sake of concepts, even simple

The Summary by sh. al-Fawzan, volume 2.

What is the ruling on adding non mahrams of the opposite gender as friends on social media?

The same ruling of adding their phone numbers to your phone, or inviting them to your house, or visiting theirs = depends on your intentions, and upholding the limits between you two.

السلام عليكم A friend of mine wants to learn quranic Arabic,he asked me for an app or a book that would help,do you have an idea about any,or do you have any general suggetions?(No bayyinah,he can't sign up at the moment)

bayyinah :)

If I cheated on a test to get my job, and therefore i guess my money is haram. I have felt guilt for it and repented from the cheating. Is my money still haram? Should i quit my job?

What you did is undoubtedly forbidden, and causes much harm to your life and afterlife. Feeling guilty is the first pillar of repentance in Islam, but you also need two more. The pillars of repentance are:
1. Sincere Guilt
2. Cease from the sin immediately
3. Determination to never do it again
If you are qualified in your current job and can do it to its fullest, then you don't need to quit, and your wealth can become halal if you uphold the above three conditions.
Liked by: Kobefan

But if i fullfill every criteria for social welfare and search jobs and show it to to the goverment but my intention is not work fulltime and only part-time (u can get part-time job in my country and its impossible) bcz i want to spend time for improving my grades...and i recive welfare Still haram?

^ that sounds like whining and complaining, not a follow up question.
Read my previous answer three times out loud.

Why are looks so important though? Looks fade away. I have rarely seen someone attractive that is past 35 - 40 years old (men and women)

Did anyone say so important? they are first, and least important.
Because if you read the resume of someone and fall in love with their personality, then see them and find their looks very repulsive to you, there's only one of two scenarios = either you'll either reject them and hate yourself forever for being such a superficial hypocrite, or you'll marry them and suffer for the rest of your life.
Look at her first, if she's acceptable, learn about her family, then qualifications, skills and character, if all matched your expectations, then ask about the most important thing - her faith; for it determines her eternal hereafter, yours, and most likely your offspring too.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/138651451970 أرى أن الأفضل أن تحذف السؤال فساجده ظهر مرة أخرى في التنبيهات كسؤال جديد ثم تعيد الإجابة عليه وسيصبح بنفس الرابط أقول ذلك حتى يختلط الأمر على من رأى السؤال ولم ير التعقيب خصوصاً من وصلوا له عن طريق البحث في الأرشيف

بوركت، قد فعلت

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/138625739330 On what date can we start fasting again?

14th, 15th of thu alhijja (you only fast the latter two of the three white days this month, because 10, 11, 12, 13 are days of celebration, eating and rememberance of Allah in which fasting is prohibited (and invalid). The only exception for fasting the 11, 12 and 13th is for the pilgrim who committed an error to fast them as expiation if they cannot expiate with a sacrifice.


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