
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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If a person then becomes certain that it wasn't halal, does he keep what he bought? As at the time he wasn't certain that it was haram.

Discard it immediately.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

I am a single woman who support herself. How should I go about giving charity & paying Zakat?

2.5% on all accumulated wealth that has been sitting in your possession since last year, if your wealth exceeds the threshold, which is 595g of silver or 85 grams of gold, whichever is cheaper (595 silver this month was little less than $500 Canadian)
Ex: you had $300 stored in the bank, $300 stored at home, for a full lunar year (since 1st of Ramadan 1437). Then you pay %2.5 of that total amount to the needy, etc, or delegate it to a trustworthy zakaat foundation to give it to those who deserve, on your behalf.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

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Salam ustadh, i have a Ramadan related question. Is it allowed, according to Hanabilah, to do tahajjud during Ramadan even if you have 4-5 years of missed prayers (qada al umri) ?

According to both Hanbali and Maliki opinion, nothing other than five daily prayers, Jumua, Eid and Witr, are valid until you finish the obligatory prayer.
In our mathhab, you have to also make up each day in order, but Malikis and the majority allow to do 2 fajrs 2 Dhuhr etc.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

All the halal money questions got me thinking if me leaving work 20-30 mins before i should be is considered haram money. At the end of the day, I usually have no energy to be very productive anyways, so i leave. I am still accomplishing my required tasks (Govt job). Is my money considered halal?

If your contact is project based then you're free to leave when you finish your task.
If your contract requires your imprisonment (that's literally the term in Islamic Fiqh) for a specific period of time in a specific location (e.g. teller, guard, etc) then you're required to hold your post until the time is up even if there were no tasks to do. It's prohibited to leave early, and any money you've earned while you're away is not permissible for you. You must discard it. Search "discard" in my previous answers for details.
Lastly, while sitting on your desk, use your time wisely. I know many brothers and sisters who memorised the entire Quran, and learnt many useful things in their free time sitting at work.

Is it persmissibe to recite from the Mushaf when it's 'the time of the month'?

No. Touching the mus-haf, even to just carry it, is prohibited on anyone except if they had full purification (minor and major).
Reciting the Qur'an (albeit from memory) is prohibited for someone who's in the state of janaabah (major impurity), but women in state of mensuration were exempted if they feared they would otherwise forget their memorization of Qur'an.

Why do people say that Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) is the Imam of those with athari aqida? This sounds as if he has invented it. Did the other 3 Imams not have the same aqida as him?

It's because was tested with his faith to an unimaginable extent, and stood up far greater than anyone else.
The entire Ummah was singlehandedly saved by Abu Bakr on the day of Riddah, and by Ahmed on the day of Mihnah.
Several contemporaries of Imam Ahmed said: the trials that Ahmed went through is something we thought only Prophets could handle.
That's why when Imam Shafi'i was asked what is your creed? He said my creed is that of Ahmed's. Even though Ahmed was the age of his students.
Read the biographies of the four imams to know more.

When it's that time of the month, can I use a cloth to hold the Quran (it has a translation) to read the translation?


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، هو احنا عندنا في كندا اذان العشاء الساعه ١٠:٣٠ وبيزيد طبعا بس في مساجد ببتقيم الصلاة ١٠:١٥ ومساجد ١٠:٣٠ وبثبت هذا الوقت طوال شهر رمضان. هذه المساجد هي الأكثر انتشارا وقليل جدا من يقيم بعد وقت العشاء حسب التقويم. هل يعتبر هذا التصرف صحيحا؟

هو جائز نعم لسببين،
اولا لاختلاف المذاهب في دخول وقت العشاء، لكن الجمهور على أنه بغياب الشفق الأحمر.
ثانيا، لعدم دقة الحسابات. ليس هناك دليل علمي واحد على ربط الشفق الاحمر بدرجة معينة، بل قطعا هذه الدرجة ستختلف فيما إذا كانت المدينة غربها جبال ام ساحل محيط.
كنت قد سألت فضيلة شيخنا الدكتور وليد المنيسي حفظه الله، احد اعضاء مجمع فقهاء أمريكا ورئيس الجامعة الإسلامية بمنيسوتا، وقال ما مفاده أن هذا التصرف غير صحيح، ونقلته كما هو لمجلس الأئمة. نسأل الله أن يوحد قلوبنا وصفنا وأن يجنبنا الفتن ما ظهر منها وما بطن.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هو احنا عندنا في كندا اذان العشاء الساعه  وبيزيد

So giving zakatul fitr as money to relatives who don't have much isn't accepted?

1. Zakaatul Fitr is staple food.
2. Give sadaqa to your relatives now, don't wait until Eid to give them

Salam aalaykum my name is Mohammad, am I required to give Zakat al fitr even when I am unemployed and get some money from the states (as benefits etc)? Thats my question

Thank you for your question, Muhammed.
Every single Muslim, even an infant born one day before Eid ul Fitr, is due to give zakaatul Fitr, as long as they have enough to feed themselves for that day (approx 2 kg of dates, or equivalent staple food, per person, to the needy. Cash is not a valid equivalent in the majority opinion)
The purpose of Zakaatul Fitr is that no Muslim should be hungry on the day of Eid.
Hence, is only given to needy Muslim, unlike other types of charity in Islam.

Our masjid prays Isha few minutes earlier than the actual time for athaan. They plan to fix the time of Isha in ramadan as well! (10:15 until the time starts retreating) Is this acceptable in any mathhab?

Let me rephrase your question into four questions.
1. Is any of the current calculation methods of Fajr and Isha athan exactly 100% correct on any Mathhab? No.
2. When does the time of Isha enter? When the red twilight disappears according to the majority opinion. There are minor opinions in Shafi'i and Maliki Mathhab that it starts even earlier than that. Hanafis go with the disappearance of white twilight, which is much later than red twilight.
3. Is any of the calculation methods violate the Isha prayer time? No, they all add extra minutes for safety. So if you pray at the calculated athan time, you're guaranteed to be praying in time of Isha and not too early.
4. Does any of the mathaahib allow for a Fiqh opinion to be misused, publicized and cause fitnah? No.

في كلب قرب مني ومش متأكدة لمسني ولا لأ وكان مبلول ولا لأ انا حطيت تراب على العباية ومسحته جامد في الهدوم ازاي اغسان 6 مرا تانيين؟ لو حطيته في الغسالة وعملت البرنامج على 7 يبقى كده ينفع ولا إزاي؟

باليد، تنضحي البقعة النجسة بالماء (او العباية كلها اذا شككت بمكان البقعة) تعصريها، تفعلين ذلك ست مرات.

Many people make Umrah before they make Hajj but I was wondering if it is permissible to delay an obligation and do a voluntary act first?

Umrah and Hajj are each obligatory once in a lifetime.
Liked by: Muhammad Ghonimy

السلام عليكم انا بنت ولست اذكر هل فاتتنى صلوات فى ضغرى ام لا هل تجبها النوافل ام اصلى ما تيسر لى من الفروض

إن كنتي تذكرين أنه فاتتك مثلا الفجر أو العشاء "أحيانا" لمدة شهر، فتقضين عن نصف المدة، لأن احيانا لا تزيد عن النصف، وإذا تذكرتي أنه لم تصلي "غالبا" طوال اسبوع قضيتي الاسبوع كله احتياطا.
أما إن كنت لا تذكرين إن فاتتك صلاة أم لا مطلقا، فلا يجب عليك قضاء، والنوافل تجُبّ الخلل.

Salam, i am going to purchase Duri 3an Abi 3amr mushaf inshaAllah. But can I make some marks in that mushaf to point out things to even read it as qira'at Suusi? I mean to make a short dot where I mean idgham al kabir, ibdal al hamza and etc. Is that allowed? I cant find a Suusi mushaf...

That's permissible.

I bought a coat earlier this year and I think my wealth may have been doubtful but at the time I thought it was halal. My issue is, I bought a coat when I had no doubt and assumed it was halal. Do I have to get rid of the coat? I'm not 100% sure if my money was halal.

Certainty does not break by doubt.
If you had no doubt that your money was halal back then, then you don't do anything, no matter how much doubt you get afterwards, unless that doubt becomes certainty. If you become certain later that your money had been from prohibited sources, then a new certainty abrogates an old certainty.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Where will siraj institute classes take place and when will more information be released? i know many who are interested but are already enrolled in full-time study at universities.

Classes will begin this September inshaAllah, and will be offered in the universities of Ottawa, Carleton and other locations.
All classes will be on weeknights or weekends. Students can register as little as two courses per semester, or as many as six. Class will be available in Arabic and English.
More details will come soon on our Facebook page

Sheikh, what is the farthest a student who goes through the Siraj program can reach? Is it meant for solidifying the general principals or training full fledged scholars?

Siraj institute is accredited and internationally recognized to provide knowledge to students from short courses to the general public to full university degrees in Islamic studies (undergraduate and graduate).
More details coming very soon inshaAllah on our fb page
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Salam Sheikh, I hate being the dummy who asks this question, but what is the Hanbali position on moon sighting? I think I read 2 opinions (not fully sure if they are in the madhab) the first being that moon sighting is globally binding and the second being one follows the community.

Exposing A Catfish
What appears to me that the mathhab opinion is that it is globally binding, once one Muslim observes the new moon by eye, makes a testimony before a judge, and it's publicized, then Ramadan is confirmed upon the whole globe.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Shaykh, is deodorant that contains propanol halal? It falls under alcohol but does that automatically mean it is khamr? Please advise. I really need some clarification and closure on this issue when it comes to deodarant and cologne.

Propanol isn't khamr. Also search 'khamr' in the archive tool of for my account.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

You mentioned the economist work is halal and etc. Can you mention some ways how a economist can work in his field without going against islamic laws?

Dow Jones Islamic Shari'a Compliance Board is one example of many.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish


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