
Majed Jarrar

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عايزه اعرف هل قرأه صفات وشخصيات الابراج مش حظك اليوم حرام ولا لا وليه حرام اصلا احنا مشوفناش غيبيات ولا مستقبل دا مجرد صفات !!

نعم حرام،
ومن أدب السائل ألا يسأل استفهاما واعتراضا في نفس الوقت، ونظائر ذلك مثل أن يسأل عن الحكم والدليل في نفس الوقت، أو أن يسأل عن الحكم مع الحكمة في نفس المجلس.
ولكن يسأل أهل العلم عن الحكم الشرعي فقط، ويسلّم ويقول سمعنا وأطعنا، ويصبر ويعالج نفسه، ويقول آمنا به كل من عند ربنا، وينتظر حتى تسكن نفسه الأمارة بالسوء ثم إن شاء أن يسأل بعدها عن الحكمة او الغاية أو العلة فيسأل تثبيتا لا اعتراضا.

Assalamu Alaikum. I put some damp/wet towels on the spot in my room where I usually pray. They may have mixed with najasah clothes. I then prayed on spot. Do I have to repeat the prayer? I can't smell or see any impurity on the carpet, although its difficult to see anything due to carpets colour

1. Najasah is a non-tangible ruling. A clean towel that is washed with one cup of water mixed with one teaspoon of whisky, then left to dry, is entirely najis.
2. Vague doubt of the location of najaasah is najaasah. Vague doubt of the existence of najasah is not najaasah. I'll give you two examples:
A. If you were certain a part of the wet towel had mixed with certainly-najis clothes, but were not certain which part of the wet towel, then you act as if the entire towel is najis, because najasah is certain here but location of it is vague.
B. If you were certain a clean wet towel mixed with clothes, but later had doubts whether or not those clothes were najis, then the towel and the clothes are not najis, as long as the doubts are only doubts and don't have a proof that make it closer to certainty.
3. I suggest you speak to a counselor about your ocd behaviour, don't send another question until you've done so.

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Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Assalamu Alaykum Sheikh, do you have any classes in Ottawa? If so, would it be to late to join? BarakAllahu feek

Everyday after Asr at Bayshore Musalla
Every Friday at Carleton 6pm

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AsalamuAlaykum Shaykh. I would like to keep in correspondence with you as a student if possible inshaAllah, but I live in the US, and for complex reasons can't leave for some time. What would be the best way for me to keep contact with you? I'll be fully able to start after my exams inshaAllah

Exposing A Catfish
Wa alaikum assalam my dear brother, I advise you to seek knowledge from someone closer who can see you regularly. I do my best to live stream my classes but I don't have a reliable memory (or phone battery) to do so always.
See the Islamic university in Minnesota, they may also have a branch in your state.

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته لو سمحت يا مولانا تُخبرني خارطة الطريق لتعلم الإنجليزية قراءة و كتابة و استماعا و حديثا .. و جزاك الله كل خير .

انا مبحبش أوسلو.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/141120979778 Different asker. Why is that people whose qualifications are only bachelor's degrees from Islamic Universities like Madinah and Mishkah have been teaching classes on fiqh? It's a scary thought in light of the point you made

It's a scary thought that any person who's sole qualification is a bachelor's degree would be allowed to teach anything.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Is the voice of a women considered as aurah? For example when speaking in public, giving dawah, a spoken word? (Forget about singing nasheeds. The rest was more important for me to know -.-)

There's a difference between what's Awrah and what's permissible to be shared publicly.
Hanbali scholars agree that a free woman's face must be covered in public, but it's not an Awrah, for she prays with her face uncovered.
Having understood that, a woman's voice is not Awrah in itself, but it's prohibited for her to raise her voice (in singing) or soften her voice (in seduction) when speaking to men, and she should not recite Qur'an or sing a nasheed in the presence of men, or make the athan at all, albeit no men are around.
God said: "O wives of the Prophet, you are not like anyone among women. If you fear Allah, then do not be soft in speech [to men], lest he in whose heart is disease should covet, but speak with appropriate speech." (33:32)
If the wives of the Prophet, who are farther from obscenity than any women in the world, when addressed by the companions, who are more pious than any men than in the world, are commanded with this command, then it is more imperative upon a woman who's not that righteous talking to a man who's not near that piety, to uphold it.
On the other side, it is prohibited upon a man who's influenced by a woman's voice to listen attentively to her.

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Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

But what about the hadith which says that angels won't enter a house where there are images?

What the verse where God said: indeed, God does not love those who are happy.
I'll tell you what: you need to understand the context, and ask the scholars about what is meant by these texts, not apply them in your own understanding.
Happy, in the verse, meant: arrogant and/or proud with ego.
Similarly, images, in the hadeeth meant: full body sculptures of humans and/or animals

Salam Sheikh! I think you may have missed my question again :P. I was wondering if you know whether Imam Muhammad ibn Saud University in Saudi teaches orthodox Hanbali fiqh or not?

Wa alaikum assalam, I appreciate your good manners in repeating the question gently. I do not know if they teach Hanbali Fiqh. I do know that regardless of what they teach, university degrees are a waste of time if you want to specialize in Fiqh. You'd need 6-7 years of full time studies in Hanbali fiqh to know the mathhab well.

https://youtu.be/KmwucOAEx0o Assalamualykum Shaykh Majed, I also heard the opposite in regards to learning Arabic from the Quran. Thoughts?

What's in the video is absolutely correct, and has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about studying Arabic with a focus on the Qur'an as resource for examples as well as classical Arabic, to help you understand the Qur'an, vis-à-vis studying Arabic under someone who disregard the Qur'an altogether.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

As Salam alkyum, what is the view on pants that are below the ankles. Is it must that the pants be cut before the ankle, just right above it. Based on the hadiths? Jazakallahu khayran

The hadeeth prohibits wearing garments below the ankle to whoever does it out of pride. The generic hadeeths that prohibited *any* garments below the ankles, are bound by the condition stated in the other hadeeths, *if it was done out of pride*. There are multiple proofs that this is not a generic prohibition, some scholars reported the ijmaa' (consensus) of the salaf that this is not an absolute prohibition, but conditional when it's done out of pride.
Our mathhab states that if it wasn't for pride, then it's makrooh (discouraged), and some of the leading scholars of our mathhab said if the customs of the men in that town to do it, it is permissible.

Is the voice of a women considered as aurah? For example when speaking in public, giving dawah, a spoken word or singing nasheeds

Singing Nasheed = absolutely.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Salaam- some local teachers emphasise reading and understanding of the Quran (Quranic Arabic) whereas some say one should learn to read and write regular Arabic 1st. If intention is to have the solid foundations to connect better to Islam- which route would u suggest? I have access to both. JzkA

From experience. Studying classical Arabic without the Qur'an as the core of the study, and the source of examples, can lead you farther away from understanding the Qur'an.
If both teachers are equivalent in quality then go with the one that teaches Qur'anic Arabic.

Assalam alaikum. This is a very urgent matter. My friend suffers from a problem that is socially acceptable here but not acceptable in our religion. Do you know an islamic psychologist he can go to? I fear if he goes to a non muslim, he will tell him it is normal. He lives in Ottawa.

Let him contact Islam care centre, they have a full time Muslim councillor.

انا كنت ناوية أصوم الاسبوع ده كله قضاء وكل يوم بالليل بانوي ان بكرة ده قضاء امبارح نمت على نفسي ومسيت انوي على انهارده بس انا ناوياه من اول الاسبوع السؤال بقى: انا صاحية صايمة بس مش عارفة هو قضاء ولا سنة عادي ينفع يبقى قضاء؟ ولا أعتبره سنة وأقضي يوم تاني؟

نافلة، واقضي يوما اخر.

Assalamu Alaikum Shaikh. A non-Muslim friend asked me why Islam allows sex slaves. I'm not sure how to answer their question...Coujd you possibly explain the wisdom behind it? Jazāk Allāhu Khayran

You say to your non Muslim friend: we hear and we obey our God, the Mighty, the Wise, even if we didn't know the wisdom.
Direct them to ask a scholar if they want to actually learn an answer. Otherwise, if it's just someone who mocks other religions out of ignorance and bigotry, then don't bother.
Liked by: Mohammad Ali

Different asker about the washing machine question. Apparently Hanafis are okay with using washing machines. What if we are Hanbali, but out of the seemingly insane difficulty of following the Hanbali ruling we take the Hanafi ruling? Would our thick socks technically be inelligible for wiping?

That's what I said in the beginning with regards to the lay people.

I thought that a nursing baby's spitting is completely pure and not najasa. I didn't realize it required cleaning or changing. Can you clarify?

If it reached the stomach and back (i.e. curdled) then it's najis. Otherwise, if it's just the last bit in the mouth or throat then it's not najis, and Allah knows best.

Assalamu Alaikum Sheikh, my Egyptian friend is living Germany, how should he fast in ramadan if the day is very long? Can he fast like people living in KSA or what should he do? (we need the answer ASAP Jazaka Allahu Khairan)

Canadian and Scandinavian Muslims read this and be like: what a spoiled kid.
If the day has an identifiable sunrise and a sunset, then he must fast like other regular Muslims in his town.

as-Salam alaikum ustadh Majed. Can i send a pastebin-link of a question? I am asking on behalf of a friend of mine. Is it okay?

Really, pastebin, for a friend, anonymously. Can you be a little more vague?
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Salaam Sheikh. What's the definition of a full time student of knowledge?

In western education terms: a full time student is attending a minimum of four weekly classes, or working 40 hours per week on research.
And how many students in those universities who are not real seekers of knowledge??
The definition, in the words of imam ash-Shafi'i, "This knowledge is dignified. If you give it some of your time, it will not let you earn any of it. If you give it all of your time, it will let you earn some of it."

So sheikh we shouldn't combine in 'hardship' every now and then? And what do you say about the Hadith of ibn Anas(ra) when he combined without an excuse? (I was taught)

The hadeeth is "Without rain and fear", it does not mean without an excuse.
Abu Musa alAshari narrated: combining prayers without an excuse is a major sin.
Umar bin And alAzeez said: no prayers can be combined except for a valid excuse.
Imam Ahmed said, commenting on the hadeeth of the prophet combining prayers for 19 days in Mecca "not everyone can understand this hadeeth"
A hardship is defined by terms of shari'a, not according to one's own liking. Otherwise, some people would combine prayers while waiting in line for the new iPhone.
Examples of hardship that counts as valid excuses which our scholars have stated, other than rain, travel and fear: a person with urine incontinence, a nursing mother of an infant who keeps spitting up (or throwing up), making it difficult for her to keep finding clean clothes for prayers. A surgeon who is conducting a lengthy operation for a patient, and the patient.
These are some of numerous cases which were confirmed by hanbali scholars to be valid excuses to combine prayers, contrary to the majority opinion which says otherwise.

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مؤسسة الازهر بتنهار او انهارت بالفعل ...نقدر نعمل ايه عشان نرجع امجادها ؟؟

يا سيدي الفاضل، أخبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ان زوال الكعبة اهون من إراقة دم امرئ مسلم.
والقائمون على الأزهر اليوم، أو جلهم، يودون لو حافظوا على الأزهر ولو اريقت دماء المسلمين جميعا.
نحن قوم بلغنا المجد لما كان قولنا وفعلنا وقتالنا للإسلام، فلما ابتغينا المجد للأزهر، دنسته أقدام معبود النصارى.


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