
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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as-Salamu alaikum. Is it true that the Quraysh used to say: "المومن" and not "المؤمن", where they use to drop the hamza. There are both variants in the Quran (قران and قرأن) I hear shaykh Hamza Yusuf mention it, do you know any material to read about this subject? Hafidhakum Allah.

The dialect of Quraysh was the most eloquent, and they didn't use the Hamza often.

Collagen is only sourced from animal sources. Our NeoCell Super Collagen 1&3 is extracted from high-quality, natural bovine hides. Our products are manufactured in a facility that does not store, use, or process pig or alcohol products. NeoCell products are non-GMO and gluten free. Can i buy it?

Ask a Hanafi or Maliki scholar.

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Well, I'm guessing that's makrooh :) I've just heard that it's forbidden for a person to eat food once it's fallen out of their mouth,so I was wondering if you could shed some light jzk.

There are six mistakes in your question:
First, my disgust is not an indication for something to be discouraged in religion. Personal preferences are independent from Sharee'ah. I may love chocolate cheesecake, but that doesn't make it religiously encouraged.
Second, it's Sunnah to pick up the food that fell, clean it from the dirt and remove the debris that got stuck to it, then eat it, as the Prophet instructed. That should give you stronger immunity, and teach you to be humble.
Third, if gum was food then cigarettes are drinks.
Fourth, you shouldn't derive rulings using analogies in religion without being qualified to do so.
Fifth, don't believe everything you hear, and don't let rumours and myths be the source for your faith.
Finally, if you're too lazy to write jazak Allah kher, then you probably don't mean it.
Jzk 😎

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If a person dont watch iba7iya things and dont masturbate but sometimes as usually one get a sexual drive. He cant do anything more than just masturbate to release the pressure...is that a big sin which need tawbah and so on? This lead to like 3-4 times in month only to pressure and not for joy.

No sin is too small. Repentance is mandatory for every bad deed. Your words reflect that your heart does not consider the greatness and power of whom you disobey.
Fast every other day, commit to a heavy daily workout, and avoid foods that are thought to be sexually energising.

Salam, quel est d'apres vous le meilleur moyen pour garder sa foie dans cet époque dure et pleine de fitna . Merci

Wa alaikum asalaam,
Je ne parle pas le français en général, mais, vous devriez garder des bons amis, offrir la prière la nuit et avoir un cheikh digne de confiance et bien informé.

I studied Arabic overseas for 1 year & can understand duroos and coverse 'well'. My biggest difficulty is actually reading books and digesting the تعبيرات, what are a list of books I can read to increase my reading and comprehension? I have Sh. Abul Hasan Nadwi's books? What is general your advice?

To understand terminologies of each discipline, you'll need a teacher to explain to you at least the beginner level, and define the terminologies to you, and correct your misunderstandings.

ضروري: أعلن بعض الإخوة إن الكتاب الفلاني في أثناء الطباعة ولكن لم تتم الطباعة بعد ولكن هناك قد قالوا للناس أنه من الممكن أن يشتروا الكتاب وإن كان الكتاب لم تتم طباعته بعد ؛ هل يجوز دفع المال لكتابٍ في أثناء الطباعة ولم يعدّ للسوق بعد؟

نعم لا بأس، لكن يجب إعلام المشتري انه يدفع ليحجز نسخة لم تطبع بعد.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/139633091650 والدي مسافر بقاله ٣ سنين و مش عارف يرجع البلد لاسباب سياسية و مليش اخوات ولاد ... انا كده اعتبر وليها ولا والدي ؟

والدك له الولاية، تستأذنه في توكيلك بالولاية فإن أذن لك فنعم، وإلا فلا.
وعليك نصحها وإخباره، والرفق والتلطف.

هل يجوز أن يقول إن شاء الرحمان أو إن شاء القهار؟ أم مكروه؟

أما كتابتك لاسم الله الرحمن بالألف الممدودة هكذا "الرحمان" فهذا غلط، والصحيح الرحمن.
وأما سؤالك، لا حرج في ذلك إن شاء الكريم.

Would recommend late students of knowledge to stop memorizing mutoon after a certain age and focusing more on comprehension? If you don't mind me asking, when did you start seeking knowledge?

Don't rush, your brain will let you know when you can't memorize anymore. :(

يا سيدي ، ما رأيك في كتاب قواعد الأصول ومعاقد الفصول؟ لو أتقنته هل أصلح لأبدأ مختصر التحرير؟

لم أقرأه،
لكن الشيخ @Abufhr أوصى به في السبل المرضية، خصوصا للطالب الحنبلي ونصح بدراسته مع شرح الشيخ الفوزان، وأوصى بعده بروضة الناظر وجنة المناظر بشرح الشيخ علي الضويحي، ثم بعدها تنتقل إلى دراسة مختصر التحرير، وتأخذ معه أحد الشرحين، إما شرح الكوكب المنير أو التحبير.
ذكر شيخنا @Mohamadabdelwahed أنه لا يغني أحدهما عن الآخر، لكن إن كنت آخذا بأحدهما دون الآخر فخذ التحبير لأنه أوسع، وهو معتمد الحنابلة في الأصول، لكن في شرح الكوكب المنير بضعة مواضع يحتاجها الطالب. كذا قال حفظه الله، ولم أقرأ شرح الكوكب المنير.
أما عن نفسي فقد درست الواضح، ثم أوضح العبارات في شرح المحلي على الورقات لشيخنا د. محمد يسري حفظه الله، ثم انتقلت بعدها إلى روضة الناظر، مع شرح د. عبد الكريم نملة لأني لم أجد قواعد الأصول، وبفضل الله لم أحس بمشقة، ولعله لكون شرح الشيخ عبد الكريم رحمه الله سهلا لم أشعر بقفزة في المستوى، وأنا ادرس الآن مختصر التحرير مع شرح الشيخ العثيمين رحمه الله والتحبير مع من تيسر من طلبة العلم والمشايخ الحنابلة. ومما يحزنني جدا أن الشيخ العثيمين لم يكمل شرحه، فشرحه نفيس جدا. جدا. جدا.
رحم الله علماءنا، وتقبل من مات منهم في الصالحين، وحفظ من لا يزال منهم من المبتلين.

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انتشر السرطان في جسد أبي حتي نَحُلَ جسده و غاب عقله معظم الوقت .. أرجو أن تدعو له و متابعيك لعل الله أن يعفو عنه و يغفر له

خالد بسيوني
أسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم أن يشفيه شفاء لا يغادر سقما، اللهم اشفه شفاء لا يغادر سقما. اللهم ألبسه ثوب العافية كما ألبست عبدك أيوب عليه السلام، ورده إلى أهله ردا جميلا، ومتعه بسمعه وبصره وقوته أبدا ما أحييته واجعله الوارث منه وامدد له في عمره، واجعل خير أعماله خواتيمها وخير أيامه يوم يلقاك. اللهم آمين.
وصلّ اللهم على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلَم.

How do the scholars of our madhab reconcile between the āthar that speak about some of the sahaba shortening their prayers for years (on the premise of travel) and the opinion of shortening is restricted to 4 days?

Refer back to the hawaashi, it's a long discussion.

assalamaalykum sheikh , for someone who studied a madhhab quite well , and wants to look into other madhahib , wud you recommend بداية المجتهد ونهاية المقتصد ؟ as a start

Define quite well: Have you finished at least 15 books in the mathhab? No means no.

Salam alaikum, there is an educational planning meeting for an organization (software related) that will take place in a private room in a pub. The room itself will not have alcohol in it. I was wondering if as a muslim it would be okay for me to attend? JazakAllah Khair

If you must go.

Is it allowable for a Hanbali to follow the opinion that you can use khanzir brushes?

No, and no one told forced you to be hanbali.

Sheikh, quick question, can I go to the barbers and just trim my back and sides to a level 2? Not touching the middle part of my hair? I've read your answers on Qaza haircuts but I just wanted to make sure if it's applicable to me jazakallah Khair

As long as you're not imitating a haircut of a defiant sinner or a disbelieving celebrity, then there's no harm in what you mentioned.

What about alcohol in medicine?

There's no single chemical substance called alcohol; it's a family of substances, called alcohols, where it has an n number of carbon atoms C, 2n+1 number of hydrogen atoms H, and one hydroxyl functional group OH. One of the most basic alcohols is ethanol C2H5OH, which is found in intoxicant drinks. All alcohols are poisonous, and all other alcohols (methanol "wood alcohol", propanol, etc) are much more poisonous than ethanol.
Ethanol is intoxicant. And thus it can be used in small amounts as sedative in medicines for treating couch, insomnia, etc.
The ruling of consuming ethanol is that it's prohibited, whether for medicinal or recreational use; for the Prophet said: "anything which is intoxicant in plenty is forbidden even in small measures." And "God would not let us need cure in that from which He forbade us."
As for the ruling for consuming the higher orders of alcohols, then ruling is that they're prohibited due to their high toxicity, for the Prophet said "there shall be no harm, nor self harm."

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I am trying to complete my masters (Action A) and my intention in doing so is just so I can please my parents. But my intention to please my parents (Action B) is for the sake of Allah. Will I be doing action A indirectly for the sake of Allah? Will I be rewared for it?

Yes. The means have the same designation in Islam as goals.
Allah says: o my servant, I got sick and you didn't visit me. The person says: how would you get sick and you are the Lord of the worlds?! He says: my servant so and so got such and you didn't visit him, had you visited him it would have been like you have visited me.
N.B: that's different when your means become goals in themselves. For example if you fall in love with a girl so much that you would disobey God for the sake of her love. That's a love which is separate from the love of God. But if your love to get makes you have patience until you marry her, then that's love for the sake of God.

What do you say about those who promote the view that salah must not be made up if missed? So many laymen go around making fun of the Hanafis for believing that until they realise all 4 schools do, and then they go on about following dalil.

My understanding is that Hanafi scholars, as well as all other mathaahib, are upon the view that every missed prayer must be made up. There's a minority opinion that it cannot, but contrary to public belief it isn't the easier opinion. The scholars who said it meant that there's no repentance for missing prayers, and that the person must be punished for it in the hereafter!

sheikh albany said that a women who is حائض can touch the mushaf , is this a valid opinion that any of the salaf adopted ? shud i blame my sister for following this fatwa ?

No one from the four mathaahib ever did or said this, and it's not a valid opinion. You should let your sister read the opinions of the salaf on this, the four imams and the mutamad in each mathhab. Also to note that sheikh alalbany was a scholar of hadeeth, with basic Fiqh training or qualifications. His focus was on hadeeth and he did an incredible job in it. A great doctor cannot build your home, nonetheless. He made numerous mistakes in Fiqh that contradicts the understanding of the salaf, rahimahuAllah.

*facepalm* of course I have tasted love. I didnt want to ask Sheikh Google (maybe I should have). Please (kindly) reply in terms of if there are any benefits in the akhira for it. Any hadiths etc.

You still think there's a need for a reason in love? *Double face palm*
Someone who truly loves someone, is ought to think about dying next to them, and being resurrected next to them on the day of judgement.
Why do you think people fight over dying in Madina?!


Language: English